RE 98 : Urinary bladder and urethra - Stricture

Specimen 98.mp4

RE 98 : Urinary bladder and urethra - Stricture


This patient died of pneumonia. He had been under treatment for carcinoma of the larynx as well as for stricture of the urethra.


In the bulbous part of the urethra narrowed abruptly to a very small calibre where it was surrounded and constricted by firm contracted scar tissue. The prostatic urethra was somewhat dilated while beyond the stricture the lumen was of normal width. The bladder was thick-walled muscular and showed diffuse angry red inflammatory change, most marked at the base where the trigone stood out as a prominent semicircular ridge. In the fresh state there was much gritty, ammonical urinary precipitate sticking to the inflamed bladder mucosa.

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