RE 95 : Kidney - Hydronephrosis, Transitional cell carcinnoma

Specimen 95.mp4

RE 95 : Kidney - Hydronephrosis, Transitional cell carcinnoma


Patient complained of intermittent and painless haematuria of 6 weeks duration. The right kidney was palpable. Excretory urography showed no excretion on the right side. Cystoscopy did not show any bladder lesion. A diagnosis of tumour of the kidney was made and a right nephrectomy was performed. The patient made a satisfactory recovery.


The specimen consists of the posterior half of the right kidney. The upper ureter, renal pelvis and calyces are dilated and the surrounding kidney shows hydronephrotic atrophy. The mucous membrane is the seat of a diffuse, sessile, warty tumour extendng into the upper ureter. At its lowest point the tumour has largely obstructed the ureter and this may well be the cause of the hydronephrosis. The lower calyces are the seat of purulent inflammation.

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Renal and Endocrine Index