RE 82 : Kidney - Scleroderma

Specimen 46.mp4

RE 82 : Kidney - Scleroderma


From 1951 to 1955 patient suffered increasing difficulty in walking due to stiffness of the legs. He also had paresthesis and megaloblastic anaemia. The later responsed to Folic acid. There was some tightness of the skin over the face and a clinical diagnosis of scleroderma was made. The skin biopsy was negative. He was treated with steroids but later developed signs of diabetes and steroid treatment had to be reduced. In 1958 he developed signs of left ventricular failure. This was treated and he made a temporary improvement but he gradually got worse and died at the end of 1958.


This specimen consists of a half of the left kidney. The significant feature in this specimen is the tight adhesion between the fibrous capsule of the kidney and the adjacent perirenal fat. At autopsy an attempt was made to separate these in the other kidney but they could not be separated. The kidney itself does not show any significant lesion, nor did it do so histologically.

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