NEURO 145 : Skull – Osteitis Deformans (Paget’s Disease)

Specimen 145.mp4

NEURO 145 : Skull – Osteitis Deformans (Paget’s Disease)


The patient was admitted suffering from carcinoma of rectum, osteitis deformans being an incidental discovery. There was no significant history.


The specimen consists of part of the vault of the skull. It is greatly thickened (max 3/4") and the sutures of the vertex are obliterated. The outer surface is smooth and finely porous. The inner surface is deeply grooved for the meningeal vessels and perforated by numerous foramina. The cut edge of the vault is finely porous, but there a number of larger spaces filled with soft reddish substance. In section the outer and inner surfaces appear as condensed layers of bone about the thickness of paper.

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