NEURO 143 : Skull

Secondary Neuroblastoma

Specimen 149.mp4

NEURO 143 : Skull – Secondary Neuroblastoma


At the age of one year and seven months, following an attack of measles, the child appeared to have defective vision. By the time he was two years old the condition had progressed to complete blindness, but otherwise his health was good. Six months later several tumours appeared in the skill, which were found to be semifluctuant on examination. Both eyes were destroyed by tumour deposits. Later a mass was felt in the upper abdomen which progressively increased in size until death (Hutchinson syndrome).


The inner aspect of the vault of the skull is studded throughout with areas of haemorrhagic new growth. The deposits vary in size to half a walnut and are nearly all rounded. The tumor is chiefly situated on the inner aspect of the skull, growing to strip up the periosteum and indent the surface of dura mater below. The outer surface of the cranium shows multiple haemorrhages and in three places, areas of growth may be seen.

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