
Anterior View

1. Frontal lobe

2. Olfactory bulb

3. Right optic nerve

4. Left optic nerve

5. Optic chiasm

6. Anterior cerebral artery

7. Middle cerebral artery

8. Optic tract

9. Mammillary bodies


11.Cerebral aqueduct

12.Temporal lobe

13. Black dotted line - Interpeduncular fossa

14. Red dotted line - Swelling of the left optic nerve

Posterior View

1. Frontal lobe

2. Corpus callosum (genu)

3. Lateral ventricle (anterior horn)

4. Septum pellucidum

5. Caudate nucleus

6. Thalamus

7. Fornix

8. Corpus callosum (Splenium)

9. Caudate nucleus

10.Lentiform nucleus

* Internal capsule