NEURO 132 : Brain

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Specimen 132.mp4

NEURO 132 : Brain – Glioblastoma Multiforme


Two years before admission patient began to lose interest and became dreamy and forgetful. He appeared to have headaches but did not complain. Three months before admission he had a fainting attack lasting several hours and followed by diplopia for some days. No vomiting. On admission both eyes showed proptosis and papilloedema. Bilateral asteriognosis. Hyperaesthesia of legs. Reflexes brisk. Flexor plantar response. W.R. negative. C.S.F. cells 100/; total protein 200mg. Clinical diagnosis tumour of corpus callosum. Patient went rapidly down hill and died 16 days after admission.


The specimen consists of a horizontal slice through the middle of the cerebral hemispheres. At the anterior end, exactly in the midline. There is a mass of tumour showing some necrosis and considerable haemorrhage. The tumour can be seen to be arising in the anterior end of the corpus callosum and is compressing the anterior horns of both lateral ventricles. There is no hydrocephalus. At autopsy (which was limited to the head) a second small tumour was found in the upper part of the middle of the right frontal lobe. There was a well marked pressure cone at the base of the brain.

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