NEURO 126 : Brain 

Choroid plexus papilloma

Specimen 126.mp4

NEURO 126 : Brain – Choroid plexus papilloma


Admitted to Hospital with a history of twelve months vertigo. On examination, some slight ataxia of right arm, right grip weaker than left. Slow nystagmus to right. Sigma negative. No evidence of vestibular disease. Visual fields slightly contracted. X-rays skull normal. Discharge after investigation, and symptoms had progressed. Marked diplopia and headaches on readmission 5 months later. Slight stamping of right foot on walking. Tended to sway to right. Vision blurred with both eyes open - tended to close left eye. Pupils unequal, right larger than left. Right reacts well to light, left sluggish. ”Pressure cone" symptoms developed and she died about a fortnight later.


A large tumour of the choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle is seen on section. The ventricle is enormously distended, and the surrounding structures are greatly compressed but not infiltrated. The growth has a granular pink appearance.

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