GI 79 : Spleen - Lymphangioma

Specimen 169.mp4

GIBI 79 : Spleen - Lymphangioma


The patient, a woman aged 31, was quite well until 4 years previously, when she complained of haemophysis, cough and loss of weight and a left upper lobectomy was performed. The pathological report was an  "angiomatous condition" involving the lung and mediostinal lymph nodes. For the next few years she was very well, subsequently became pregnant. Following the delivery of a normal child, a large tumour was found in the left hypochondrium. Operation: at laparatomy a very large spleen weighing 5lbs (2240gms) was removed.


Specimen is a spleen, with a nodular surface whose normal structure has been replaced by a mass of cysts, most of which contain serous fluid, but a few were blood-filled.

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