GI 71 : Fatty change in liver

Specimen 71.mp4

GIBI 71 : Fatty change in liver


Case of recurrence of excised carcinoma mammae. Local recurrence had proved resistant to x-ray therapy. On final admission she had extensive ulcerated local growth, and required morphia in increasing does up till death. She was obese. Examination was painful and minimal. Died with signs of cardiac failure. 


The specimen consists of a vertical slice of liver which has been cut in two and one half stained while in Sudan III. The liver at autopsy was so full of fat that slices floated in water. This is borne out by the pale yellow colour of the one half of the specimen and by the intense red staining of the other half. There were a few small metastases demonstrable at autopsy but none of these is included in the specimen.

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Gastrointestinal Index