GI 52 : Jejunum - Polyps

Specimen 52.mp4

GIBI 52 : Jejunum - Polyps


This man died of carcinoma of the oesophagus and the tumour of the intestine here with presented was an incidental autopsy finding, quite distinct and separate from the oesophageal tumour. The specimen of the latter was preserved.


The specimen consists of a segment of upper jejunum with a large mass of tumorous mesenteric glands  attached. A series of 8 or 10 polyps are easily seen hanging from the mucosal folds of the jejunum. These polyps are fairly firm, of glandular consistency and covered with intact mucosa. Two similar polyps in the adjoining part of the gut were taken for microscopic section. On their cut surfaces the polypoid masses were similar in appearance to the glandular metastases, though less haemorrhagic. The mesenteric glands are greatly swollen and matted together with metastatic neoplasm, which bears some resemblance to pancreatic tissue; it consists of solid finely lobulated glandular tumour without much stroma. One gland (front surface) shows scarring and brownish pigmentation as evidence of old haemorrhage, while another (posterior surface) is distended with a large mass of more recently extravasated blood, the margins of which are undergoing organization.

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