GI 48 : Stomach – Benign gastric polyp

Specimen 48.mp4

GIBI 48 : Stomach – Benign gastric polyp


The patient was first seen in a chest clinic in 1959 suffering from anaemia. In 1960 she complained of gastric symptoms and a barium meal was performed. There was some doubt as to the interpretation of the appearances and finally laparotomy was undertaken. A tumour could be felt within the stomach and its nature not being certain, a partial gastrectomy was performed. The patient recovered immediately but died some 12 days after operation of a pulmonary embolus.


The posterior wall of the specimen has been removed and the stomach is therefore viewed from  behind. About the middle of the anterior wall, nearer the upper line of excision, there is attached a pedunculated polyp.  The mucosa from which it arises appears intact; then there is a narrow neck and after this the tumour enlarges out to form a roughly rounded mass.

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