CR41: Lung – Mesothelioma

Specimen 40.mp4

CR41: Lung – Mesothelioma


The patient, who came from Iraq, had had a routine chest x-ray in 1958 when he was found to have a rounded shadow in the lower part of the left lung. By 1960 the tumour had enlarged and he came to England for treatment. It was suspected that perhaps the tumour was a hydatid cyst but Casoni test was negative. On 21.10.60 a thoracotomy was performed. A tumour was found adherent to the lingula and the lingula was excised. The patient made a satisfactory recovery and returned to Iraq. Unfortunatley there is no note as to his occupation.


Mesothelioma specimen 205mm x 130mm x 80mm.The tumour has been roughly bisected. The lung which is attached to the upper part of the tumour has not been touched and the shrunken residue is all that was actually received. Though its small size is largely due to collapse and shrinkage. The tumour is smooth, though fairly nodular; it is clearly attached to the surface of the lung, which it does not appear to be infiltrating; the tumour is of cream colour with strands of silvery fibrous tissue running through it.

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Cardiorespiratory Index