CR34: Lung – Lobar pneumonia

Specimen 34.mp4

CR34: Lung – Lobar pneumonia


Patient had suffered from hypertension (BP 200/120) and had had chronic bronchitis for a couple of years. She was admitted towards the end of 1935 with a cough, shortness of breath and pain in her right chest. The lower part of the right chest was dull to percussion and showed tubular breathing. Urine contained albumin and casts and blood urea was 391 mg%. At this time no effective drugs or antibiotics were available and the patient died a few days after admission. At necropsy she was found to have chronic glomerulonephritis as well as this pneumonia.


The specimen consists of the posterior parts of the upper and lower lobes of the right lung. The upper lobe shows severe oedema. The lower lobe is solid and voluminous. The cut surface is a greyish pink colour and shows a fine uniform granularity. At autopsy it was heavy and friable. The pleural surface is covered by a film of slightly blood-stained fibrin with a rather more extensive collection between the two lobes.

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Cardiorespiratory Index