CR29: Lung - Bronchial adenoma

Specimen 29.mp4

CR29: Lung - Bronchial adenoma


In December 1954 this patient had frequent and severe night sweats.  In April 1957 she had tightness in the chest for a few weeks.  In June 1957 she developed a dry, irritating, non-productive cough, worst at nights, dyspnoea on exertion with a respiratory wheeze.  No haemoptysis, no loss of weight.  X-ray of chest in August 1957 revealed a pneumonic consolidation in the right lower lobe. Bronchoscopy on 5.9.57 showed, just beyond the orifice of the middle lobe bronchi and apical lower lobe bronchi, a smooth, rounded tumour.  25.9.57 a right middle and lower lobectomy was carried out successfully.  Two years later the patient was well and free of symptoms.


Lung 185mmx200mmx55mm. This specimen consists of section of right middle and lower lobes and shows a white-grey tumour mass completely filling and greatly distending a bronchus to the posterior basal and lateral segments but not invading the lung.  The tumour measures 65mm long and 15 mm in maximum diameter.  Distal to the tumour, bronchi are dilated and filled with mucus.  Subtended segments of lung are collapsed and show yellow foci of lipid pneumonia. 

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Cardiorespiratory Index