
Arch of aorta opened from the front

1. Thyroid gland

2. Trachea

3. Brachiocephalic trunk

4. Left common carotid artery

5. Left subclavian artery

6. Ascending aorta

7. Aneurysm of arch of aorta

8. Pulmonary artery

9. Descending thoracic aorta

10. Cricothyroid muscle

11. Cricoid cartilage

Trachea opened from behind

1. Cricoid cartilage

2. Thyroid left lobe

3. Thyroid right lobe

4. Trachea

5. Brachiocephalic trunk

6. Left primary bronchus

7. Right primary bronchus

8. Ascending aorta

9. Aneurysm of arch of aorta

10. Descending thoracic aorta