Please fill out this survey to help me get to know your child. Thank you!



(315) 218-2500 Main Office

(315) 218-2503 Health Office 

Our Weekly Schedule

Monday - Phys. Ed.

Tuesday - Art

Wednesday - Music

Thursday - Phys. Ed.

Friday - Library

**Be sure to wear sneakers on PE days and return your library book on Library day.**

Lunch 11:15 - 11:45

Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Menus

2022 supply letter.pdf

Snacks and Water

Our lunch time is early in the day, so we'll have a daily afternoon working snack. Please avoid sending snacks with peanuts or tree nuts (almonds, coconut, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts) as we have food allergies in Room 168. Aim for a quick snack that your child can eat easily. Foods eaten with a spoon like yogurt and fruit cups can get pretty messy at snack time.

I also encourage the children to bring a water bottle to school. It will be sent home daily to be cleaned.

Scholastic Book Orders

Connect to Our Class Order Page:

Shop the flyers with your child:

All books will ship to Cicero El, and your child will bring them home in his/her backpack. Scholastic may even have a ship-to-home option this year.

Thank you for encouraging the love of reading!

Class Code: GVDLL

How can parents help this year?