March 10, 2020

Moroni Elementary Community Council

March 10, 2020

In attendance: Stacey Peterson, Nicole Lamb, Camie Talbot

The February 11 minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Camie to approve the minutes. Stacey seconded the motion and all approved.

1. Follow-up on Digital Citizenship plan

The council discussed having a focus for each month as we share on Facebook, Website, and through email.

2. Review safety and routing plans

Routing plan map was reviewed last month. Local health department has said if 30% of our students had COVID-19 symptoms we could face school closures. Administrators met yesterday to discuss an emergency plan in the event our schools need to be closed due to Coronavirus. Possibility of online schooling, a pickup location for students to pick up lessons and homework, etc.

3. PTA Report

Stacey met with the PTA last week and our activity this month is the Time Capsule opening on March 12. Yearbook planning is underway and sixth grade students will be assisting with this project. April 27-May 1 is Teacher Appreciation Week. Our theme is Old School Teacher Appreciation. PTA will arrange sign ups for door decorating.

4. Community Concerns

Camie’s only concern is keeping our students safe and healthy from the spread of viruses. Nicole suggested we review healthy habits with the students. Stacey agreed that although we did have the school nurse come and teach hand washing this year, we will review again.

5. Prepare upcoming year trust land plan

Council is not ready to finalize the plan but did discuss supporting the wellness room, funding TAs, and literacy interventions including Reading Live, Learning Dynamics, and Reading A-Z. Remaining PBIS money will go towards character education picture books. We have money set aside for technology, a remaining $4,000 will go towards ipads, laptops, and Apple TVs for half the classrooms.

Next meeting will be April 14, 2020