Mrs. LaPointe

GRADE 6 - Social Studies


Welcome to our classroom! My name is Mrs. LaPointe and I'm your 6th grade social studies teacher! 

We'll explore exciting subjects, like the origins of humans, jobs of those who study ancient history, the start of civilizations, ancient Egypt, Sub-Saharan Africa, & Mesoamerica!

 I'm here to support you every step of the way. If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.  Scroll down to get my email info. 😃

About Me

I have been a teacher for over 20 years. I started in seventh grade English and social studies in the Somerville Public Schools for a few years, then was moved to a third grade for one year, then back up to 6th grade reading. I took time off to stay home with my own kids, and worked part-time (at night) for 9 years as an adjunct professor in a community college.  I returned to full time public middle school about 12 years ago.  First, I got my certification to become an administrator, and then worked as a part-time vice principal.  After that, I worked as a teacher in the Weston Public Schools in grades 6 & 7.  When a job in Stow opened up, I jumped at the chance to work here!  I started here in 2015, as a 7th grade English teacher, and moved to 6th grade social studies in 2019. I am happy to say that I have my dream job!

I am also the co-advisor to the Hale GSA, and director of the Hale Drama shows.  Besides my job and my family, theater, music, and dance are my passions- I've performed in 60 or so productions, and have directed so many shows, I've lost count. 🎭 I have my B.A. from Framingham State University, my MEd from Lesley University, and my EdS from UMass Lowell.

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