Middle Ages Quest Blog

November 5, 476

To whomever may find this journal, the events described are true and the empire is in chaos. I am Atticus. Son of Aurelius, husband to Aelia and a scribe to the mighty Roman Empire. I live in the city of Rome and I want to record of the events that none of us thought would happen in our lifetime. The city is being destroyed! We have abandoned all hope and the city is being emptied of all its precious items. Let me describe the reasons for chaos within the empire...

Rome fell for many reasons, but I only have time to share a few of them. When rome fell it was really dirty and there were no supplies. When the war was taking place we had many economic troubles which led to when more and more money was spent on war, so money for other things led dry, so we barely got any food. Also the amount of slaves had a huge shortage which also led to how when the slave numbers there was a shorage in food and other goods needed to survive. There also were a decrease in goverenment and political stability. Then our citys were left without strong leadership, and all of our people became less educated. Overall the strength of the Eastern Empire led germinaic tribes to focus on invading the western empire.

This is a picture of when the city of rome was in destruction from the war and the fall of rome.

This is what it might have looked like in rome during the wars of the barbarians fighting each other.

Quest 2 blog

In the year of our Lord, April 18, 720

Last week my father fell ill and passed to heaven. As I was sorting through his belongings, I came across an old book. The pages were stained, faded, and written in a language that I didn’t understand. I took the book to the local priest. He knew the words on the pages as ancient Latin. The priest translated the words and to my surprise it belonged to an ancestor of mine whom departed this life nearly 300 years ago. I decided to keep the diary and record the events of my life. This is my first entry....

Hello my name is Queen Laura the 2nd I have a huge family. I have 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. I am the oldest Child in the family thats why I got the queens name (my mom). When she died I became the queen. By that time the Huns had already started to attack. All of my siblings and I fled to our new castle the An Culu, Dromore. We ran forever with many stops and many months just trying to get away when we finally made it to our castle it was only me my little sister princess Sarah and my little brother prince Mark. We now live in Pallaskenry Ireland. When we look outside all we see are trees and the Kenmare bay.

My family´s social class is royal or that we will be queens and kings. I think that we need to stop the fighting in rome but I havent been there in 2 and a 1/2 years so I don't know how much fighting is still happening in my kingdom. My familys coat of arms is purple and green which means ruler and hope. We have a horse in the middle which means readyness for duty. My whole family is thinking about going back but I think we should wait till we know there is no caos. My Family is very important to me. The people who are in charge of my kingdom would be worth meeting again. I´ll get back to you with the rest of my story later.

Quest 3 Blog

In the year of our Lord, November 16, 850….

I have struggled to keep up with my blog. Much has happened in my life, but before I get to all the details I want to explain to you how my village is run. Long ago my great ancestor Atticus told of an empire in which all those who lived in the kingdom had a say in how it was run. This is not the case now. Here I will describe how life on this manor and all manors work: First, our form of government is called Feudalism. Feudalism is a political and social system that developed during the Middle Ages; nobles offered protection and land in return for service. Since I am the queen I play a big role in fudeism I give fiefs to nobles in trade for their loyalty. I live in a beautiful manor. I am in charge of the roman empire. As the Queen I am a lord because I give land to the nobles and them to knights. They give me food and loyalty for the land and peasants (serfs).

I am in charge of all manors in the empire because I am the queen. There is a manor system that we use in the empire. The manor system is a system in which lords divided their lands into estates, which were farmed mostly by serfs who received protection from the lord in return. We also live by a 1/10th rule. The 1/10th rule stated that farmers would have to give 1/10th of their harvest and others would give 1/10th of their food and land; these were given to the church and/or the class above you. I am the queen so I get a lot of benefits I get food from all the manors and I have trust from all nobles I gave a fief to. I'm going to have to do some more later got to go bye!

This is a photo of a lord giving a vassel a feif.

This image shows the social levels within feudalism. The king is first, then the nobles, to the knights, to the serfs.


In the year of our Lord Feb 7, 1000.

Days just seem to grind on. It is now winter and some snow has fallen. Though my days are difficult, I am thankful for the protection my knight and the nobles.. Below I will share with you the details of my daily life.

I wake early in the morning and right when I get up I pray. Some of my roles in my manor are that Queens often helped the King strategize or analyzed the meaning behind others’ words and actions. For food I eat cranes other bird and stews with cooked fruit and veggies; I eat birds because they were close to the heavens.

Styles that people wore kept changing, it was easier to do as new materials such as fabric were being introduced , so my fashions were always changing. I never had one outfit that I wore every day. For fun I like to look out my window and look at all the kind people in my manor as they do their jobs and help one another.

My Manor developed into a town. My manor is in the middle of the town so we had to but another church next door because of the population growth. I don't have a job because I am the queen. I do take care of my town and make sure all the serfs are producing enough food and they all have somewhere to live.

This is a Swan that the Queen might have eaten in the middle ages.

If the Queen and king didn't have any birds to eat they would eat a stew.


In the year of our Lord 1500,

I am so grateful to have the guidance of the Church for without it, I would have nothing to live for, other than my kingdom. My days are spent in holy reverence, honoring my church and caring for my people in as many ways possible. Since this diary is for no one else, I will detail the ways in which my Church brings me great joy and happiness as well as the frustration I feel following It’s rules.

Some things I do because of the church is that every day i get up and pray to my god. Every Sunday morning I go to my church and worship god. I like to talk to all the people at church because I know the good people in the manor will be there. My husband and I (the king) got married. It was a beautiful ceremony and another one of our church's sacraments. Another sacrament That the King and I have taken part in was baptism and confirmation so I am welcome in the church and a regular visitor every week.

The bishop and archbishop are really nice to talk to they are in the cathedral the cathedral is the a church that is the official seat of a bishop. The Cathedral had two main parts the nave and the transept. The nave was a long part of the cathedral where the tip faced Jerusalem and the transept was the part that went across to form the cross. The church controls a lot of my life, but that’s okay because if that means I will be with god once I die then its okay that I lived my life up to that moment. I'll talk to you later on more about what ever crazy things will be coming up in my life.

This is what the cathedral would look like and what they do look like now with the nave and the transept.

Most catholic churches have a cross on the roof or is in the shape of a cross just like in the middle ages.


In the year of our lord, 1095

The Pope sent out a letter to all the people to hear. Calling us to go to Jerusalem and and telling us to take back the holy land. We all were promised riched, and guaranteed heaven. that didn't last to long for most people...including me. So now I will explain what happened before, during, and after the first crusade.

Most people went to take back jerusalem I went too. I brought Food, water, warm clothing, wagons, shelter, protection, weapons, armor. It took me forever to get there; it took a whopping 272 days walking through the desert. Go fight in the war and everybody expects to get riches and gold and guaranteed salvation and be guaranteed to go to heaven. also we wanted to get land. I traveled a total of 3272.762 miles but i had to travel 272 days.

The crusade and the fighting were very long and hard to do. But I did it because I wanted to have riches and promised to heaven. I went for the longest amount of time but then…..after two years in the desert we finally got there and one of the people from my troop killed me, and the king took over my castle 😢😢😭😭. The Pope lied to me and I died I didn’t get anything he promised me but now I haunt my killer who was on my side and accidentally put an arrow through my heart the next blogs will be what happened to my killer, and friend Parcel.

People were killing whoever they could see. They wanted the holy land so bad that just to get there almost half of them died. The First Crusade might look like this.

This is some routes that they took to get to the first crusade. Look at how long it could have taken people coming from england just to get there then they still have to have enough energy to fight.


The black death

It was June, 1349

I had already passed away, so I was following one of the peasants. They were going to the holy lands. We saw a lot of sick people. Once they got sick they were going to die. This sickness could not be cured. They didn’t know what it was. So i'm going to tell you what happened to one of my friends.

Some people said it was a punishment from god. Some other people thought it was bad air. But me honestly i thought it was a disease carried on rats and fleas, because the rats are all dying too. What would happen to them was they would get sick sometimes with abdominal pain., diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, extreme weakness, bleeding (blood may not be able to clot), Shock, and skin turning black.

Since I was already dead it did nothing to me but the person I was watching and following got sick. She almost made it, she got sick once they got to Bastia. She made it all the way to Siena which wasn't far from Rome which was our first check pointe.She has all of these symptoms, Cough, with bloody mucus, Difficulty breathing, Nausea and vomiting, High fever, Headache, Weakness, Chest pain. So I had to leave her behind and find someone else from my castle.

The plague had a huge effect on the population around here lots of people died and feudalism ended. There weren't enough people to be able to depend on for anything, so if you wanted something to eat you had to grow it and help yourself because no one else would. 25 million people died during this time my whole kingdom was pretty much gone. All the peasants were given land and wages if you already had land you would get more there wouldn't be anything else to do with the land so they gave all of the dead peoples land to people who needed it.well now that i have died and my friend has too it's time for me to pass on. hope you guys reading this can actually find out what killed all of m people. thank you and good bye... for now.

Some people's job was to go around the cities with wagons and collect all the dead people then either do a mass burial or cremate them.

Some people thought that the black death was carried by rats and fleas. Honestly that's what I think that's what caused this.