Welcome to the Jefferson Elementary PTA!
Quick Links: Reflections 2024 / Join Jefferson PTA / NP Jefferson Parents FB Group
Family Bingo Night
Friday, February 28th
Doors open at 5:30pm
Games start at 6pm
*Bingo Cards are $1.00 each
*Raffle Baskets
*Refreshments will be available for purchase
2024-2025 Board Members
Laura Havenstrite, President
Kim Sanderson, Vice President
Kristin Pellis, 2nd Vice President
Colette Rutkowski, Secretary
Laura Vonderhey, Treasurer
PTA Membership
Membership costs just $8.00 per member annually and allows you the opportunity to volunteer at our events throughout the year.
The easiest way to join is online at the link below. https://jec.memberhub.store/
Your membership card will be sent electronically to the email address provided. Paper membership forms are available in the main office for pickup. Make checks payable to "Jefferson Elementary PTA."
Clearance Information
Pennsylvania law requires school volunteer clearances. Adults applying for, or holding an unpaid position as a volunteer with a child care service, a school or a program, activity or service responsible for a child’s welfare or having direct volunteer contact with children, will need the following clearances submitted every five years:
Act 34 - PA State Police Criminal Record Check
Act 151 - PA Child Abuse History
Act 114 - FBI Criminal History Check (Fingerprints)
On the website - click digital fingerprinting, then enter code 1KG6XN. There is a $25.00 fee for this service.
Generally, the state waives the fee for the Act 34 and Act 151 clearances for volunteers, please see each website for more information.
Completed clearances can be sent into the JEC office or emailed to Alison Bollard- abollard@npsd.org.
If you have any questions, please contact your school's PTA President. Parents without clearances on file will not be able to volunteer in our school or chaperone class field trips.
You must also be a member of the PTA to volunteer at the school or chaperone field trips.
__________________ Croc Charms
Croc charms are $5.00 and available all year long.
Contact the PTA for an order form.
Gertrude Hawk
Dunmore Candy Kitchen
Gertrude Hawk - orders due March 10th
Dunmore Candy Kitchen - orders due March 17th
2 designs and 2 sizes!!
Blankets are still available!
Email the PTA for more information.
North Pocono Spirit Wear
Christmas Sale through December 10th
25% off entire site
guaranteed Christmas delivery
PTA Meeting
Next meeting:
March 4th at 7:00
JEC Library
Birthday Celebrations
🎉Birthday Wagon
The Birthday Wagon will be available this school year!! Please fill out the online form 2 weeks prior to your requested date.
All birthday wagons will be done on a Monday. If there is no school or a school event that day, it will be done on Tuesday.
Payment must be received before the birthday wagon can be scheduled.
Payment can be made by:
Check for $25.00 made out to Jefferson PTA and sent in to your child's teacher
🎉Classroom Birthday Treat
You can also choose to celebrate by having a birthday treat sent to your child's classroom. Must be ordered 5 days in advance.
Healthy Classroom Party Order Form
Form and check can be sent into the JEC Cafeteria
🎉Classroom Visit
Visit your child’s classroom and read a story, make a craft, share a special talent or bring a special snack to share. **All classroom visitors must have ALL clearances on file in the main office.**
To schedule a classroom birthday visit, contact your child’s teacher.
Box Tops for Education
The Box Tops for Education app can be downloaded for free on your smartphone! No need to clip, just scan your receipt after each shopping trip and Jefferson earns money for qualified purchases. Our school has earned generous checks every year!
Connect with Us
**Please join our Facebook page**
for information and to connect with our community.