5000 Students Series
5000 Students Series
5111 Form Acknowledgement of Option to Exempt Attendance of Child 5 or 6 years of Age from School
5112.2 Admission to the Public Schools at or Before Age Five
5113.21 Student Absences and Excuses, Awards or Recognition for Attendance
5128 Improve Completion Rates of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
5131.1 Form C Letter of Notification to Parents - Conference
5131.6 Alcohol Use, Drugs, and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances)
5131.81 Laser Pointers, Paging Devices, Cellular Telephones and Other Portable Electronics
5131.911 Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy and Safe School Climate Plan
5141.21 Form A Authorization for the Administration of Medicines
5141.21 Form B Authorization for the Application of Sunscreen
5141.6 Crisis Management Plan (Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness)
5144.1 Use of Physical Force Restraint Seclusion Exclusionary Time Out
5145.13 Student Use of the District’s Computer Systems and Internet Safety
5145.55 Child Sexual Abuse and Assult Response and Reporting Procedures