2024-2025 Technology Fee
(Accidental Damage Protection)
~This yearly fee is $25 per student
~Payments can be made 3 ways:
Online in the Infinite Campus Portal-OPEN NOW! (8/23/24)
Click for a video tutorial. (Tutoría de español)
2. BY MAIL - Check or money order made payable to NPSD. Send to: North Penn High School, Technology Suite, Attn: Sheri Penna, 1340 S. Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446. *You must print, fill out and attach this Tech Fee Form to go with your payment by mail.
3. Bring or send it with your student to their home office-Exact cash or check made payable to NPSD. *You must print, fill out and attach this Tech Fee Form to go with your payment by mail or in person.
~Accidental Damage Protection includes repairing devices which were damaged accidentally (it does not cover intentional damages or lost/stolen chromebooks).
~Unpaid technology fees will result in paying the cost of repairs on any damaged chromebook (between $85 and $359).
~If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you may complete this 2024-2025 Waiver Application to see if you qualify for a waiver.
Don't have a Campus Portal Account?
If you have a student that currently attends a North Penn school and would like to request a portal account, please send an email with student name, birthdate, school, and grade level to
Elementary Classroom Teacher Information
Special Education Progress Reports
Elementary Report Cards on the Campus Portal (Documents Section)
Historical Progress Report (Report Card) information for prior school years (Campus Backpack)
The Academic Planner: Student Course Recommendations (rising 7th Grade Students)