Reading Olympics

Reading Olympics 2021 is Coming your way!

There are many exciting books on this year's list. Take look!

(Save a copy to your Drive so you can edit the file.)

Reading Olympics is a reading club for 5th and 6th grade students.

Participants are encouraged to read as many books as they can from a pre-selected list. They will contribute information about the books they read - summary information and questions about key events, main characters, the setting, etc - to a Reader's Notebook.

Meetings are held after school and are once a month beginning in December. Participants will be arranged in teams, and will use meeting times to check in with teammates and a teacher "coach" about reading progress, practice competition style questions, etc. When the competition date is announced, meetings increase to weekly in the month prior to the competition.

The final event takes place at a local Montgomery County school with schools from all over Montgomery County competing in teams to answer as many questions about the books as possible!

Interested students are encouraged to begin reading books off the above list at any time.

For questions, please contact Miss Fiedler.