Narges, Quinn, Ahmed, Niall, Richard, and Mahbub participated in the prestigious Oral Presentation Session—their abstracts made the top six. Here they are posing right after the session ended, with Dr. David Cox, Director of Skeen Library.

Richard, a graduate student in Mineral Engineering, came in first in the 3-Minute Speech Competition. 

Ashley is an undergraduate student in Biology who came second in the 3-Minute Speech Competition.

Sarah, a Chemistry senior, came third in the 3-Minute Speech Competition.

Ashley again, this time presenting in Poster Session 1 with her group on "Automating a Hydroponic System for Usage in a Lunar Environment."

New Mexico Tech and Magdalena Teen Science Café GeoScience Program. We were super happy to have them present their poster to the Tech Community!

Geology students talking about microorganisms found in Cottonwood Cave, NM. The cave obviously has some funny (and fun, for sure) stuff to see. 

Damilola, a Biomedical Sciences student, presenting on Diploid and Polyploid Plants.

Brandon, a graduating student in Physics, discussing sprites (nope, not the soda or elves) in front of a clearly interested audience.

Poster Session 2.

The Physics corner in Poster Session 2: Lauren, Fredrick, Catherine, Haley, and Hannah discussed weather, temperature, and topography of I-25. 

Drones always attract an audience! Poster Session 2.

Poster Session 2 brought in a pretty good crowd! 

Natasha, a Biology senior, is giving a spiel on the Fengari Capobot and the Moon. 

Sameer explaining topology in 3D printing to Dr. Matt Johnson, a Spanish and Hispanic Studies Professor.

Natan, a visiting student at NRAO and evaluator at the SRS, listening to Tim, an undergraduate student in Materials Engineering.

Poster Session 3. Presenting, evaluating, listening—just the good stuff.

Poster Session 4 was well-attended. Chloe talking about lightning rods.

Do you play Pokémon? Then you should have listened to what Samuel had to say about "The Effects of Popularity on Pokémon Catch Rate"!

Jaina (on the left) is a Business and Technology Management student and a participant in the Sophomore Research Program. 

Poster Session 4: Anne from Materials Engineering talking about recycled concrete. 

We hope that the SRS made other presenters smile, too! Tony is an undergraduate student in Materials Engineering.

Mechanical Engineering showcase always has a bunch of cool stuff!

This year, the Mechanical Engineering showcase took to the lawn in front of Skeen Library.

Thank you for supporting NMT's Student Research Symposium! If you were a presenter, we hope that you had a pleasant experience and that you have learned a lot. If you stopped by to check it out, thank you for attending as the symposium would not exist without an audience interested in learning what our amazing students have been doing. We hope to see you again next year!