
Norwayne Local Schools


The Norwayne School Board believes one of the greatest resources available may be found in the citizens of the community who have special knowledge and talents to contribute to the District. The use of citizens as volunteers within the school program enhances the educational process not only for students, but for the community as well. Volunteers may provide additional support in the classroom, promote community-school cooperation in facilitating the learning process and provide for individuals who have expertise in various areas to be used as resource persons. While we are continually grateful for this support, we are also aware of the potential concerns that can arise when volunteers are working directly with students. The District notifies current and prospective volunteers who have or will have unsupervised access to children on a regular basis that a criminal records check may be conducted at any time. Norwayne Local Schools prioritizes safety for our students and has established a new volunteer process that includes a background check.

What is required?

A background check through the district’s online system will be required of all school volunteers.

How long does it take to process a background check?

Volunteers should apply for the check at least one week prior to an event.

What activities require a background check?

While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some examples that do or do not require a background check:

Background Check Required

  • Chaperoning a field trip

  • Providing learning support for a classroom

  • PTO volunteer work

  • Volunteering for a classroom celebration in school

  • Assisting in school during the instructional day

How much does a background check cost?

At this time, Norwayne Local Schools will be covering the cost of the required background checks for volunteers.

How long is a background check effective?

Background checks are good for three years. You will receive an email 30 days prior to expiration informing you that a new background check is needed.

***Norwayne Local Schools utilizes SecureVolunteer, a BIB (Background Investigation Bureau) product, for our background checks. Click the bar below to be taken to the SecureVolunteer website.