Main Street/ League Physical Education

Hello Everyone!

This is Mrs. Michaelis! I teach 4-6th grade PE at League and Main Street Schools. I am a graduate of Medina High School and the University of Mount Union. This is my 18th year of teaching. I love sports! My favorites are baseball and figure skating. I'm married and have 3 kids. My oldest is a junior at Edison High School and he plays baseball and runs cross country. My middle son is in 8th grade and also runs cross country. My daughter is 9 and she's in 4th grade at Edison Middle School. She is a competitive dancer. My favorite color is yellow and my favorite foods are strawberries, pretzels, and I drink a lot of Cran-Energy.😆 I am also a Disney fanatic. I can't wait to go back and visit the "House of Mouse."

If you have any questions, please leave me a message on your google classroom, or you can e-mail me at :

PE Class Rules 📋

  1. Wear tennis shoes to each and every in-person class PE class. You must have a pair of tennis shoes to participate in class and receive participation credit for the day. Due to safety concerns, sandals, Crocs, or boots are not allowed to be worn. Slip-on Vans and Converse are o.k., as long as they can't come off of your feet easily.

  2. Participate! PE is a fun, participation class. You get what you put in. Try everything. Give it your best effort.

  3. Listen respectfully. Listen carefully when the teacher is talking. Please do not talk or bother others when I am giving instructions. You might miss out or cause someone else to miss out on something important!

  4. Follow all game rules. Allow everyone the chance to participate. Cheating will NEVER be tolerated. If you don't understand something, please ask.

  5. Be kind and demonstrate good sportsmanship. Be respectful. Be a team player. Accept official calls. No excuses, whining, or blaming. Lose with dignity, win with class. Be mindful with your words.

Grading (Blended)

In Class (2 days)

Since PE is a participation class, your in-class directly grade reflects your effort and behavior. You will earn 3 points for each of the five rules.

  1. Shoes: ____/3 This is an all or nothing set of points. You will earn all 3 points if you have them. You will earn zero if you don't. (Tennis shoes are REALLY important!)

  2. Participation: ____/3

  3. Listening respectfully: _____/3

  4. Following all game rules: ______/3

  5. Being kind/respectful to classmates and demonstrating good sportsmanship:_____/3

Total possible points per class: _____/15 (x2=30)

Virtual Class (3 days)

Point totals will vary based on assignment, but total number of points for virtual PE per week : ______/30

Assignments might include, but aren't limited to:

-Google Form responses

-Google slide projects

-Journal entries

-Keeping a fitness log

-Creating a game

-Skill practice



*If we switch to 5 day in-person classes or fully remote, the previous is subject to change.