Unpaid Internships for Academic Credit

NHHS Internship Program

After School Internships in The Community

Open to Juniors and Seniors

Internship Handbook

How to Get Started?

  1. Determine what field you are interested in experiencing through an internship program.

  2. Complete the Internship Request Form with Appropriate Signatures

  3. Source an Internship Site based on your Career Interests and have it approved by Faculty Supervisors (Ms. Alessi, room 105 or Mr. Giordano, Library)

  4. Complete the PowerSchool Permission Slips

  5. Get to Work!

Some program highlights:

-complete 60 hours of unpaid internship work experience or observation

-obtain ½ credit toward graduation

-write 6 reflective journals on the experience, career, and community impact

-deepen student understanding of a potential career or field of interest

-receive professional evaluations of their work on a regular basis

-collaborate with members of the community

Technology Internships During The School Day

Open to Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors

Speak to your counselor to sign up for an IT Internship for the next school year


-occurs in the High School during the school day, working directly with the IT Department

-complete 60 hours (1 Semester) of unpaid internship work

-obtain 1/2 credit toward graduation

-learn to install software, image computers, repair broken devices

-observe IT operations, tours and explanations of different IT systems and networking concepts

-learn about technology life cycle and inventory

-work directly in the field with IT experts