Seagrass Explorer

Welcome to Seagrass Explorer!

Thanks for your interest in digital game-based learning and our virtual aquarium.
ollow Steps One through Four below to complete the activity...

Step One

To get started, please watch this video 👇 featuring Gwendolyn McManus, the game's designer!

The video explains how we came up with this idea, describes the game's development and creation, and highlights of the game itself. (~10 minutes)

Step Two

Before playing Seagrass Explorer, please complete the pre-game survey (click the button below!)

This is optional, but your feedback and responses to pre- and post-game surveys will really help us continue to refine the game. (~5 minutes)

Step Three

Click the button below to download and install the game on your computer.

Once you've downloaded the game, start playing!

There are three main exhibits - explore at your own pace and take time to interact with signs and components of the displays. (~20-30 minutes)

Step Four

After playing Seagrass Explorer, please complete the post-game survey (there is a link to the post-game survey at the end of the game OR you can click the button below – please only complete the survey once!).

This is optional, and not a test! By comparing the pre- and post-game surveys, we can learn what aspects of the game were most interesting and effective and what we can modify for future players. (~5 minutes)

For More Info...

on seagrasses, seagrass scientists, and marine science in general, explore the links and resources on Seagrass Explorer's Linktree: (~5-10 minutes, optional)

Thanks for playing Seagrass Explorer!

Gwendolyn McManus, Undergraduate Student, Northeastern University

Randall Hughes, Associate Professor, Northeastern University

Torrance Hanley, Associate Research Scientist, Northeastern University

This project was created by the Hughes Lab team at Northeastern University's Marine Science Center and supported in part by funding from the National Science Foundation and MassBays National Estuary Partnership.