Welcome to Mrs. Bisone's Class

1. Morning Meeting

Good morning, boys and girls!

Welcome to our Virtual Classroom!

1. Please view our Morning Meeting in the video below:

Today you have Art. Please complete the following activity:

2. Fundations


Boys and girls, let's get ready to practice our Fundations Drills!

Letters A-Z



Practice the vowel chart below, then watch the video on Long vs. Short Vowels.

Long vs Short vowels: Remember, friends- long vowels say their names, short vowels make their sounds!

Which word has a short e sound?

2c. L Blends

Let's figure out the beginning blends, and rewrite the words below:

This Week's L Blends:

Practice reading and writing these words daily.

Poem of the Week:

Every time you read an "L" blend, give it a thumbs up, like we do in class! Read the poem daily, to build on your fluency

2d. Decoding Words:

Sound out the following words.

2e. Boom Cards Activity



Practice reading and writing your word-list words every day! Click on the PDF below.

SIGHT WORD TRACKER_LISTS-pages-9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36.pdf

3. Heggerty

Please watch today's Heggerty lesson with Ms. DiPaolo

Week 15, Day 4

4. Math

Topic 13, Lesson 3

4a. Today we will be learning how to find 2D shapes in the flat surfaces of 3D shapes.

Look at the picture below. Can you find a circle in any of the flat surfaces below?

If you guessed the cylinder and cone, good job! Why wouldn't the sphere have a circle on its surface? The sphere does not have a flat surface, like the other 3D shapes, therefore it wouldn't have a circle, or any other shape, on it.

Please watch the following lesson:

4b. Zoom Cards Activity


4c. Extra Practice:

Write numbers 1-30.

5. Ready Gen: Reading Comprehension

Unit 5-Module A-Lesson 11

5a. Today we will continue to read Jack's Garden.

Read along with me, then answer the questions below with a family member.

5b. Questions:

1. What do insects do in the garden?

2. What do birds do in the garden? Why do you think the birds chase the insects?

5c. Today's Vocabulary Words

5c. *Please make sure your child is reading daily! Your child should be reading at least one reader a day. Please log in through Pearson or Raz-Kids to find the appropriate leveled reader, and log your child's work.

6. Writing Response

6a. Please complete the following writing activity in your writing journal:

What do the insects sip from the flowers?

ex: The insect sips _____ from the flowers.

*Once you're done, please send me a picture of your work via Remind! Can't wait to see your excellent writing!

7. Science/ Social Studies

Can be completed throughout the week

7a. Read this week’s Scholastic Reader, "Don't Be a Litterbug!" by clicking on the link below.

7b. Watch the video "Hooray for Earth Day!".

7c. Play the game: "Clean the Park".


Click: "Log in"


Classroom Password: Bisone159

8. Story Time

Want to listen to another story? Click on the read aloud below!

Optional: Draw and write about your favorite part!

9. Brain Break

Great job, boys and girls! You've been working so hard, you earned a Brain Break! Get some exercise and have some fun!