Welcome to Mrs. Bisone's Class

1. Morning Meeting

Good morning, boys and girls!

Welcome to our Virtual Classroom!

1. Please view our Morning Meeting in the video below:

2. Today we have Computer Class with Ms. Lawsky! Please complete the following Activity:


2. Fundations


Boys and girls, let's get ready to practice our Fundations Drills!

Letters A-Z



Practice the vowel chart below, then watch the video on Long vs. Short Vowels.

Long vs Short vowels: Remember, friends- long vowels say their names, short vowels make their sounds!

2c. S Blends

Write two sentences using two different words below:

smell - spot - snack - skip - snack - stem

This Week's S Blends

skip - scab - snack

smell - stem - spot

Poem of the Week

Every time you read an "S" blend, give it a thumbs up, like we do in class!

2d. Decoding Words:

See how many words you can read in a minute! Start the timer and go!

2e. Boom Cards Activity


2f. *Monday-Friday*

Practice reading and writing your word-list words every day!

SIGHT WORD TRACKER_LISTS-pages-9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36.pdf

3. Heggerty

Please watch today's Heggerty lesson with Ms. DiPaolo

Week 17, Day 5

4. Math

Topic 14, Lesson 5

Remember, we can use the following tools to measure certain attributes:

a cube train for height and length

a measuring cup for capacity

a balance scale for weight

*Although color is an attribute, it cannot be measured by any of the tools listed above.

Please watch the following lesson:

4b. Boom Cards Activity


4c. Extra Practice

With a family member, look at the object on the left, identify the attributes that can be measured, and then point to the tools that could be used to tell about those attributes.

5. Ready Gen: Reading Comprehension

Happy Mother's Day!

Listen to the following story:


  1. The girl asks Mama “How much do you love me?” She says she loves her daughter more than a raven loves his treasure, more than a dog loves his tail and more than a whale loves his spout. How much does your mother love you? Can you show with your arms?

  2. The girl asks Mama, “How long will you love me?” She says, until the umiak flies into the darkness, the stars turn to fish and the puffin howls. How long will your mother love you?

  3. The girl asks Mama, “What if I broke some eggs?” She says, I would still love you. When you have an accident and break something does your mother get upset and angry? Does she still love you?

  4. The girl asks Mama, “What if I do naughty things?” She says, I would still love you. When you do naughty things, what does your mother say? Does she still love you?

6. Writing

Please use this rubric to help you complete your writing assignment.

6a. Please complete the following writing activity in your writing journal:

Let's write about our mom today! Why do you love your mom? What makes her special?

Ex. I love my mom because ____________.

*Once you're done, please send me a picture of your work via Remind! Can't wait to see your excellent writing!

7. Science/ Social Studies

Monday: Read this week’s Scholastic Reader, "Busy, Buzzy Bees". Click on the link below.

Tuesday: Watch the video "Busy, Buzzy Bees".

Wednesday: Play the game: "Build the Insect".


Click: "Log in"


Classroom Password: Bisone159

OPTIONAL- Thursday: Let's learn about flags!


8. Story Time

8a. OPTIONAL: Want to listen to another story? Click on the read aloud below!

8b. OPTIONAL: *Extra Practice: Draw and write about your favorite part!

Want access to more ebooks? Try Tumble Book library!


Username: tumble735

Password: books

9. MobyMax

OPTIONAL: Here is an extra resource for your child. Moby Max offers personalized learning in all subject areas! Have your child complete some of these great activities, if you would like additional assignments.


2. Sign in with your child's google information (the same login information used to access Pearson site.)

3. Select the Moby Max icon.

10. Direct Drawing

Hey, boys and girls! So many of you LOVE doing directed drawings, here is another one! Choose one below to draw for your mom! I gave you a few choices.

Mom, close your eyes, it's a surprise!

Don't forget to write "Happy Mother's Day!"

11. Brain Break

OPTIONAL: Great job, boys and girls! You've been working so hard, you earned a Brain Break! Get some exercise and have some fun!