Welcome to Mrs. Bisone's Class

1. Morning Meeting

Good morning, boys and girls!

Welcome to our Virtual Classroom!

1. Please view our Morning Meeting in the video below:

2. Today we have Computer Class with Ms. Lawsky! Please complete the following Activity:


Story Time with Ms. Griffin!

2. Fundations


Boys and girls, let's get ready to practice our Fundations Drills!

Letters A-Z



Practice the vowel chart below, then complete the lesson on Short Vowels.

Long vs Short vowels: Remember, friends- long vowels say their names, short vowels make their sounds!

2c. Silent e (cvce)

Today we will be learning more about long vowels. When we see an "e" at the end of our one-syllable word, we know that the vowel will say its name (or long vowel sound), and the e will stay silent. We call this sneaky e.

Watch the lessons below:

This week's words:

Write three sentences using three different words below.

*Send me a picture of your excellent writing!

This Week's "silent e" words

Poem of the Week- practice reading daily.

2d. Decoding Words

2e. Boom Cards Activity


2f. *Monday-Friday*

Practice reading and writing your word-list words every day!

SIGHT WORD TRACKER_LISTS-pages-9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36.pdf

3. Heggerty

Please watch today's Heggerty lesson with Ms. DiPaolo

Week 18, Day 5

4. Math

Topic 14 Assessment

4a. Please complete Topic 14's Assessment through Pearson.

5. Ready Gen: Reading Comprehension

Unit 6-Module A-Lesson 5

5a. Close Read

Today we're going to read On the Town: A Community Adventure.


  1. Charlie says he's hungry and wants to go to Henry's Luncheonette. I can use these details and the pictures to know that a luncheonette is a restaurant. Another clue is the word lunch in luncheonette.

  2. How do the pictures help you understand what firefighters do?

  3. What can Charlie do at the library besides check out books? How do you know?

5b. Benchmark Vocabulary

5c. Reading Analysis

Shades of Meaning

Some words have similar, but not exactly the same, meanings.

Many people talk in different ways. The author uses different words to show how characters talk, such as said, asked, and shouted. These words mean almost the same thing, but they are not exactly the same. The meanings are similar because they all tell ways people can talk. Let's discuss their meanings:

5d. Independent Reading

*Please make sure your child is reading daily! Your child should be reading at least one reader a day. Please log in through Pearson or Raz-Kids to find the appropriate leveled reader, and log your child's work.

CLICK HERE to access Raz Kids

Select your child's username, and use the password provided.

6. Writing Response

Please use this rubric to help you complete your writing assignment.

6a. Please complete the following writing activity in your writing journal:

Who does Charlie meet at the train station?

ex. Charlie meets his _____ at the train station.

*Once you're done, please send me a picture of your work via Remind! Can't wait to see your excellent writing!

7. Science/ Social Studies

Monday: Read this week’s Scholastic Reader, "Hello, Little Ladybug". Click on the link below.

Tuesday: Watch the videos "Lovely, Little Ladybugs" and "Dance Break: Ladybugs".

Wednesday: Play the game: "Give the Ladybug Spots".


Click: "Log in"


Classroom Password: Bisone159

Thursday: Let's explore a neighborhood!

8. Story Time

Want to listen to another story? Click on the read aloud below! This is one of our favorites!

*Extra Practice: Draw and write about your favorite part!

Want access to more ebooks? Try Tumble Book library!


Username: tumble735

Password: books

9. Moby Max

Here is an extra resource for your child. Moby Max offers personalized learning in all subject areas! Have your child complete some of these great activities, if you would like additional assignments.


2. Sign in with your child's google information (the same login information used to access Pearson site.)

3. Select the Moby Max icon.

10. Directed Drawing

Optional: Hey, boys and girls! So many of you LOVE doing directed drawings. Here is another one!

11. Brain Break

Great job, boys and girls! You've been working so hard, you earned a Brain Break! Get some exercise and have some fun!