Extended School Year &
Summer Learning Academy

Extended School Year

The Extended School Year students continue their learning for six weeks throughout the summer. Creative lesson plans focus on core academics and social skills for each individual student. Within our successful program we are able to minimize learning loss and promote success.

English as a New Language

The summer English as a New Language (ENL) program is held for four weeks during the summer months. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade are engaged in a literacy program that combines innovative lessons with an engaging and interactive "summer camp" approach. Students will make reading, writing, and social-emotional gains that they'll carry back to school in the fall.

Academic Intervention Services

The Academic Intervention Services (AIS) program is two fold. We welcome incoming Kindergarteners to get a head start on the diverse expectations of Kindergarten. We also work with scholars entering 1st and 2nd grade who require additional academic support in ELA and Math. Dynamic lessons use research based reading programs in addition to hands on math activities with authentic problem solving constructs.

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