
Staff/Faculty: Log Into Your Teacher Portal

How to Log into Teacher Clever Portal

Staff/Faculty: Using the Clever Extension

Staff/Faculty: Print a Student Badge

How to Print Badges from the Teacher Portal

Staff/Faculty: Print a Class Set of Badges

Clever Print Class Badges.mp4

Staff/Faculty: Add a Link on a Teacher Page

Staff/Faculty: Add a zoom link on a Teacher Page

How to add a Zoom Meeting Link on Teacher Clever Portal.pdf

Staff/Faculty: Make a Substitute Zoom Announcement

How to add a Substitute Zoom Meeting on Teacher Clever Portal (1).pdf

Staff/Faculty: Clever Analytics

Staff/Faculty: Log Into myLexia

Log Into myLexia.mp4

Students: Log Into Student Chrome Account and Clever from Home (Personal Device)

How to Log into Programs at Home.pdf

Students: Log Into Student Chrome Account and Clever on a Chromebook (District Device & Badge)

How to Log into Chromebook from home with Badge.pdf

Estudiante: Cómo iniciar sesión en Chrome y listo desde casa

Log Into Student Account at Home - Spanish.pdf

Students: Using the Clever Extension

Caregiver: Troubleshooting Clever Log In

For questions about...


Tech Integrators - How to Reach Your Tech Integrators

Molly McLoughlin

Rocky Mariani-Prall, David Cantler,