Family Literacy Resources
Welcome Families! Добро пожаловать семьи! Bem Vindas Famílias! 欢迎家属! Byenvini Fanmi! ברוכים הבאים משפחות! Bienvenidas familias! परिवारों का स्वागत है! Benvenute famiglie! 가족 여러분을 환영합니다! Willkommen Familien! परिवारहरूलाई स्वागत छ! Witamy Rodziny! Ласкаво просимо сім'ї!
We are excited to offer this website to NPS families interested in learning more about how to support your student in literacy: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We hope that this website becomes your go-to resource for all things literacy!
Estamos emocionados de ofrecer este sitio web a las familias de NPS interesadas en aprender más sobre cómo apoyar a su estudiante en la alfabetización: lectura, escritura, habla y comprensión auditiva. ¡Esperamos que este sitio web se convierta en su página de destino para todo lo relacionado con la alfabetización!
Northampton Public Schools Literacy Vision Statement:
"Language and literacy learning are inseparable processes that are woven throughout all aspects of life and education. In the Northampton Public Schools, through experiences in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, students will continue to grow into responsible and engaged global citizens. Building on foundational literacy skills, students will engage with high-quality, diverse, and complex texts and will develop an appreciation for reading and writing to become active listeners, critical thinkers and problem solvers. Through systematic, evidence-based, differentiated, and culturally-responsive instruction, all students gain confidence by learning to read across genres, writing for a variety of audiences and purposes, and communicating and collaborating effectively."
(revised Jan 2023)
"El aprendizaje del lenguaje y la lectoescritura son procesos inseparables que se entrelazan en todos los aspectos de la vida y la educación. En las Escuelas Públicas de Northampton, a través de experiencias en lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva y expresión oral, los estudiantes continuarán convirtiéndose en ciudadanos globales responsables y comprometidos. en las habilidades fundamentales de alfabetización, los estudiantes se involucrarán con textos complejos, diversos y de alta calidad y desarrollarán una apreciación por la lectura y la escritura para convertirse en oyentes activos, pensadores críticos y solucionadores de problemas. instrucción receptiva, todos los estudiantes ganan confianza aprendiendo a leer a través de géneros, escribiendo para una variedad de audiencias y propósitos, y comunicándose y colaborando de manera efectiva".
(revisado en enero de 2023)
A shift in literacy instruction
The evidence is in, and after looking at thousands of studies, it is clear that the most effective way to ensure that students can read is by ensuring that instruction in grades K-2 includes a strong focus in phonemic awareness and phonics. Does this mean we give up meaning and comprehension? Absolutely not! Does it mean we don't expose our students to rich language and authentic text? NO!
It does mean, however that in order to become proficient readers, our students must be able to fluently decode words. As such, our teachers have been learning all about the science that surrounds learning to read. Over two-thirds of our elementary school teachers have either completed a course through the educational consulting group Crafting Minds entitled. "Understanding and Supporting Complex Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia, K-5" Further, ten educators are taking Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training this year thanks to a partnership with Smith College and Frontier Regional/Union 38 District.
Crafting Minds instructor Sarah Gannon led a virtual workshop about the Science of Reading). That recording is available at left. The recording starts about 2 minutes into the presentation, but has Spanish translation.
We have included the following links to help you support your child's literacy growth!