Policies and Procedures


Homework assignments reinforce what has been learned that day in school, and provide practice and application of these skills. Some assignments will help the students budget their time over a longer period to further develop their responsibility. Student should know what the assignment is and how it should be completed. Directions and explanations are given in class. Assignments are always located on my front board, and on my webpage.

Students must turn in homework assignments on time. If an assignment is late, student's points will be reduced. After the second day of late work, students who are still missing the assignment will be required to attend a lunch or after school detention to finish the assignment. The student will be required to notify the parent by phone if this occurs. Continuous missing work, unsatisfactory grades, or behavior will require a parent conference.

If a student is absent or at band, it is their responsibility to make-up any missing assignments and required class notes. BAND IS NOT AN EXCUSE!! A student has as many days as they were absent to make-up work. Any day after will be considered late, and points will be deducted. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances or long term absences.

It is very important to get work ahead of time especially if the absence is known in advance. Calling a friend in class may help to clarify assignments.

Please note: Your child, having missed instructional time, may need your help to complete their work, or may need to stay in at recess for extra assistance. It would be helpful to your child if vacations, doctor appointments, etc could be scheduled so as not to conflict with the school schedule. Class instructional time cannot be duplicated!

Assignment Notebook

The use of assignment books is optional for 5th grade. All assignments will be posted daily on my webpage or Google Classroom. Please refer to those areas for assistance. If using an assignment notebook, please write assignments on a daily basis. This should keep you informed as to what your child is learning in school.

Grading Policy

Homework (Assignments that are not completed during the school day)


Class Work (Includes journals, responses, group work,class participation )


Formative assessments


Summative Assessments
