Pre K

Teachers will be available for communication from parents and students via established classroom apps or email. If you do not have a way to reach your child's teacher, please click here for a listing of all schools and links to their website addresses. Each site has a listing of faculty that is a link to their email. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher during this time. This page contains, or will soon contain, lessons for 10 days. The first document is in English, the second is in Spanish and the final one is a Special Needs Instructional Plan for students in smaller classes with an IEP.

May 26

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 6.pdf
Spanish NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 6.pdf

May 11 Lessons

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 5.pdf
ESL Language Support Menu Grade Preschool packet 5.pdf
SPANISH NNPS Grade Preschool Virtual Learning Plan 5.pdf
PEEP Learning Packet #5 Final.pdf

April 27 - May 8 Lessons

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 4.pdf


NNPS SPANISH Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 4.pdf

April 20-24 Lessons

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 3.pdf



March 30 - April 17 Lessons

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan 2.pdf


NNPS SPANISH Preschool Virtual Learning Packet 2.pdf

March 16 - 27 Lessons

NNPS Grade PK Virtual Learning Plan.pdf


NNPS Spanish PK Aprendizaje Virtual.pdf