Thesis Logs and Prompts

Thesis Log 4 Prompts:

  • Civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi wrote, "Be the change you want to see in the world." What is one way you would like to change the world, and how can you bring about this change? Use specific details and examples in your response.
  • What makes someone a success? Explain how you define success, using specific details and examples in your response.
  • Is it better to take risks and perhaps make some mistakes or remain cautious and risk nothing? Explain using specific details and examples in your response.
  • The Roman philosopher Cicero wrote, "Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself." However, parents, friends, and teachers often offer advice. Should people listen to their own advice or to the advice of others? Use specific details and examples to support your response.
  • What is something you would like to accomplish in the future? Perhaps you would like to learn how to play an instrument, graduate at the top of your class, or visit the ocean. Identify one thing you would like to accomplish, and include specific details and examples to help explain why it is important.

Thesis Log 5 Prompts

  • Write about someone who has shared wisdom and experience with you. Explain why it is important to learn from the experience of others. Include specific details and examples in your response.
  • When people ask for advice, they sometimes talk to more than one person. Explain why seeking multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice. Use specific details and examples in your response.
  • You have been asked to share a lesson with elementary school students. Using specific details and examples, explain the lesson and why it would be important.
  • Your assignment is to design a neighborhood of the future. Explain what you would include in a neighborhood of the future and why. Include specific details and examples in your design.
  • People sometimes say that failure can lead to success. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific details and examples to convince others to support your position.

All 40 SOL Prompts
