KOLENKO Julia H. Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Education: Ukrainian State Medical University named after Acad. O.O. Bogomolets, Dental Faculty (1995). Institute of Innovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (2020).

Postgraduate education: 1995-1998 – magistracy, master's degree, Bogomolets National Medical University. 1998-2001 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Immune disorders in patients with generalized periodontitis and their correction in complex treatment» (PhD degree, 2002). «Scientific substantiation of improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention of precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa» (doctoral degree, 2017).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2013), Professor (2022).

Experience: 2000-2011 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Dental Therapy . 2011-2018 – Associate Professor of the Department of Dental Therapy, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2018-2021 – Professor of the Department of Dental Therapy, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Publications (number): 8 books (in English), 4 textbooks, 2 methodical recommendations.  More than 140 scientific articles including Scopus and Web of Science indexing journals.

Level of foreign language proficiency:  British Council, "B2" (2016).

Scientific and pedagogical internship:    Wroclaw Medical University (Wroclaw, Poland, 2019).

Public activity:  Member of the Academic Council of the Dental Faculty, Bogomolets National Medical University. Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Modern Dentistry".

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the diseases in dental therapy; diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions and prevention of oral mucosa cancer.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty:  Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

LYNOVYTSKA Olesya V. Professor, Doctor of Philosophy.

Education: Ukrainian State Medical University named after Acad. O.O. Bogomolets, Dental Faculty (1994). Institute of Innovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (2020).

Postgraduate education: 1994-1997 – magistracy, master's degree, Bogomolets National Medical University. 1998-2001 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «The choice of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of generalized periodontitis in patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers associated with Helycobacter pilory » (PhD degree, 2002). «Educational Paradigm of Responsibility: Philosophical understanding of specialty "Philosophy of Education » (doctoral degree, 2013).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2013), Professor (2016).

Publications (number): 50 publications, including 2 declaratory patents for utility model, 3 books, 2 textbooks and 1 monograph.

Level of foreign language proficiency: University of Cambridge International Examinations, "B2" (2019).

Scientific and pedagogical internship: Krakow (Poland), Collegium Medicum (2018). Wroclaw Medical University (Wroclaw, Poland, 2019).

Public activity: Member of the International Expert Group on Academic Ranking of Universities (IREG – International Ranking Expert Group). Participant of international expert commissions for accreditation of educational programs, national and international university ranking systems.

Scientific and practical work interests: Oral microbiota, the relationship between the composition of microbial associations and somatic disorders; research methods and tools for development and assessment of professional competence of students and doctors on under- and postgraduate levels; research of transformation and the role of universities in the modern world, strategies for improving the activities of higher education institutions to ensure quality of education.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy".

Associate professor

Volovyk Irina A. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2003).

Postgraduate education: 2004-2017 – internship, clinical residency, and postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Correction of hypoxia in the complex treatment of periodontal diseases» (PhD degree, 2018).

Publications (number): More than 30 publications in specialized journals and international publications, 8 patents of Ukraine, 23 acts of implementation, 1 monograph.

Level of foreign language proficiency: ECL Authorised Exam Centre "B2" (2021).

Scientific and pedagogical internship: University of Krakow (Poland, 2021).

Public activity: Member of the Academic Council of the Dental Faculty, Bogomolets National Medical University. Curator of the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) of the educational process at the Dental Faculty, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Scientific and practical work interests:  aesthetic dentistry, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Second qualification, specialty "Dental therapy".

GRIEG Natalia I. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (1998).

Postgraduate education: 1998-1999 – internship, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Features of preoperative preparation and medical support for patients with generalized periodontitis» (PhD degree, 2012).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2015).

Publications (number): 35 publications, including 1 textbook, 19 articles in professional, 5 – in foreign editions, 3 certificates of copyright registration, 1 patent of Ukraine, 4 acts on implementation.

Public activity: Responsible for educational and methodical work of the department. Since 2013 – a methodologist of the IV course – section "Periodontal diseases".

Scientific and practical work interests: Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

DEMENTIEVA Elena V.  Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after N.A. Semashko (1993).

Postgraduate education: 1993-1995 – clinical residency, Moscow Medical Dental Institute. 2000-2003 – postgraduate training, Zaporizhzhia State Institute.

Thesis topic: «Clinical and laboratory evaluation of antihomotoxic therapy of the oral lichen planus» (PhD degree, 2003).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2007).

Publications (number): 95 publications, including 2 textbooks, 7 patents, 7 newsletters, 3 guidelines.

Public activity: Curator of the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) of the educational process at the Faculty for Training of Foreign Citizens, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Scientific and practical work interests: Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

DIKOVA Inna H. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1985).

Postgraduate education: 1985-1989 – clinical residency at the Department of Dental Therapy, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Thesis topic: «Treatment of periodontitis with antibacterial medications, immobilized on the PMS» (PhD degree, 1992).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2005).

Publications (number): 96 publications, including 7 books, 1 patent.

Public activity: Responsible at the department for postgraduate education of teachers.

Scientific and practical work interests: Prolonged use of drugs in the treatment of common dental diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty «Dental therapy». Medical specialist, specialty «Dentistry». Medical specialist, specialty «Radiology».

DIMITROVA Alla H. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Odessa State Medical University, Dental Faculty (1997).

Postgraduate education: 2002-2006 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Features of clinical course, treatment and prevention of generalized periodontitis in young adults 18-25 years »(PhD degree, 2006).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2015).

Publications (number): 50 publications, 3 books (in English).

Level of foreign language proficiency: All-European language program, "B2" (2015).

Public activity: Member of the Academic Council of the Dental Faculty, Bogomolets National Medical University. Responsible for the clinical work of the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Clinical course, treatment and prevention of periodontal and hard tooth tissue diseases in young people.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty «Dental therapy».

ZELINSKA Natalia A. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1973).

Postgraduate experience: Assistant professor at the department of paediatric dentistry with a course of propaedeutics (1979-1990).

Assistant professor at the department of therapeutic dentistry, Kyiv Medical Institute (1990).

Thesis topic: «Features of the course and treatment of periodontosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis» (PhD degree, 1980).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2015).

Publications (number): 120 publications, including 2 monographs.

Scientific and practical work interests: Genetic aspects of dental caries and generalized periodontitis.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy".

NESYN Oleksandr F.  Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1969).

Postgraduate education: 1972-1974 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Thesis topic: «Treatment of ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the oral mucous membrane with mefenamine sodium salt» (PhD degree, 1979).

Academic title: Associate Professor (1993).

Publications (number): 95 publications, including 6 patents of Ukraine for utility model, 7 innovative proposals, book "Dental Therapy " in 4 volumes, 3 textbooks, 2 monographs, test tasks "Step 2", "Step 3-dentistry".

Public activity: Curator of sections "Diseases of the oral mucous membrane" – Methodist of the 5th year. Member of the Approbation Council of the Dental Faculty, Bogomolets National Medical University. One of the leading specialists in diagnosis and treatment of oral mucous diseases in Ukraine. Certificates of Honor of the Ministry of Health, MoES and NMU. Curator of student scientific group of the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern technologies in dentistry, oral mucous diseases, experimental periodontology.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Second qualification, specialty "Dental therapy".

PECHKOVSKY Kostyantyn Е. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1986).

Postgraduate education: 1990-1992 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute. 1993-1997 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «The use of polymethylsiloxane in the surgical treatment of generalized periodontitis» (PhD degree, 1998).

Publications (number): 104 publications,1 textbook, 2 books, 7 patents, 2 innovative proposals.

Level of foreign language proficiency: Bogomolets National Medical University Certificate (2021).

Public activity: Member of the admissions committee of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Periodontology, history and organization of dental care, optimization of the educational process in a higher medical school.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy". Highest qualification category, specialty «Dentistry».

TIMOKHINA Tetiana O. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2007). Institute of Innovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (2020).

Postgraduate education: 2007-2009 – magistracy, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2009-2012 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Clinical prevention and treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases in women of reproductive age with iron deficiency anemia» (PhD degree, 2013).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2017).

Publications (number): 74 publications, including 4 declarative patents for utility model and 3 certificates of copyright registration, 4 acts of implementation.

Level of foreign language proficiency: British Council, "B2" (2016).

Scientific and pedagogical internship: Wroclaw Medical University (Wroclaw, Poland, 2019).

Public activity: Monitor of web-site of the department. Responsible for teaching load and the work of the ASU department and Likar.nmuofficial.com. 2015-2018 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training. 2010-2017 – member of the editorial board of «Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal». 2010-2018 – member of Scientists Young Society of Bogomolets National Medical University. Winner of the competition of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern technologies in dental therapy .

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty «Dentistry». First qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

CHERKASOVA Olena V. Associate professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2007).

Postgraduate education: 2007-2009 – internship, magistracy, master's degree, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2009-2012 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Complex treatment of generalized periodontitis in young patients with hypertension» (PhD degree, 2013).

Academic title: Associate Professor (2021).

Publications (number): 34 publications, 2 declaratory patents of Ukraine for utility model, 11 acts of implementation.

Level of foreign language proficiency: WSWMIR, "B2" (2020).

Public activity: Trade-union of the department. Curator of student scientific group of the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Comprehensive approach to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with generalized periodontitis.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Second qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

Assistant  professor

Vatanha Tatiana V.  Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2002).

Postgraduate education: 2004-2010 – clinical residency, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Prevention and treatment of periodontal lesions in women taking hormonal contraceptives» (PhD degree, 2021).

Publications (number): 10 publications, 1 declaratory patent of Ukraine for utility model, 7 acts of implementation.

Public activity: Deputy dean of the Dental Faculty of 4-5 courses.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Contemporary approaches in treatment of oral mucosa and periodontal diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "TDental therapy".

Viderska Hanna V. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1977).

Postgraduate education: 1977-1979 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Thesis topic: «The use of terilitin in the complex treatment of ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa» (PhD degree, 1986).

Publications (number): 45 publications, 1 patent of Ukraine.

Public activity: 1979-1988 – head of the department of the oral mucous diseases, dental clinic of Bogomolets KMI.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of treatment of periodontal, oral mucous diseases and dental caries.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy". Medical specialist, specialty "Dentistry".

VORONINA Irina E. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1985).

Thesis topic: «Violation of mineral metabolism in the alveolar bone in generalized periodontitis and its correction in patients with diabetes» (PhD degree, 2003).

Publications (number): 68 publications.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Periodontology, modern approaches to treatment of oral mucosa diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

ZAKHAROVA Svitlana M. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1977).

Postgraduate education: 1988-1990 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Thesis topic: «Features of the course and treatment of generalized periodontitis in patients with diabetes» (PhD degree, 1995).

Publications (number): 35 publications.

Public activity: Responsible for scheduling, distribution of pedagogical workload at the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Development of prevention and treatment of generalized periodontitis in patients with diabetes.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

KANANOVYCH Tetiana M. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1986).

Thesis topic: «Clinical features and evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of generalized periodontitis in the elderly» (PhD degree, 2014).

Publications (number): 15 publications, 4 acts of implementation.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Traumatic occlusion and its effect on periodontal tissues.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

KOLESOVA Natalia V. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1990).

Postgraduate education: 1990-1993 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Thesis topic: «Features of alteration and reparative regeneration of the gingival epithelium in generalized periodontitis and their pharmacological correction» (PhD degree, 2002).

Publications (number): 37 publications, including 1 declaratory patent of Ukraine for utility model.

Public activity: Responsible for working with clinical residents at the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern trends in endodontics, clinical and morphological features of development, clinics and treatment of generalized periodontitis with various somatic pathologies.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

KUVAEV Oleksiy S. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2005).

Postgraduate education: 2007-2009 – clinical residency, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Regulation of nitric oxide metabolism disorders in the comprehensive treatment of periodontal diseases» (PhD degree, 2020).

Publications (number): 15 publications, 1 invention patent.

Public activity: Responsible for working with clinical residents at the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Periodontology, endodontic and restorative treatment.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: First qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

SEMENOVA Ilona S. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2010).

Postgraduate education: 2012-2014 – clinical residency, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2014-2017 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Clinical-laboratory substantiation of the use of ozone in the treatment of periodontitis» (PhD degree, 2021).

Publications (number): 7 publications, including 1 declaratory patent of Ukraine for utility model.

Level of foreign language proficiency: British Council, "C1" (2012).

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of restoration and endodontic treatment of teeth.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy".

TKACH Oksana B. Assistant professor, PhD.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (1999).

Postgraduate education: 1999-2000 – clinical residency, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2014-2017 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Experimental and clinical substantiation of the use of mucosal gel modified with gold nanoparticles in the complex treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis» (PhD degree, 2018).

Publications (number): 18 publications, 1 monograph, 1 declaratory patent of Ukraine for utility model, 9 acts of implementation.

Public activity: Secretary of the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Periodontology.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

FEDYANOVYCH Irina M. Assistant professor, PhD

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1991).

Postgraduate education: 1997-1999 – clinical residency, Bogomolets National Medical University. 2000-2004 – postgraduate training, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Thesis topic: «Features of periodontal bone metabolism disorders in generalized periodontitis and the possibility of their directed pharmacological correction» (PhD degree, 2004).

Publications (number): 51 publications, including 3 patents of Ukraine.

Public activity: Responsible for practical training at the department.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Periodontology.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Highest qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

CHUMAK Evelyna A. Assistant professor.

Education: Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute, Dental Faculty (1979).

Postgraduate education: 1982-1984 – clinical residency, Bogomolets Kiev Medical Institute.

Publications (number): 20 publications, including 3 patents of Ukraine.

Public activity: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens (Dental Faculty, 2-5 years). 2005-2015 – deputy dean for work with foreign students of the Dental Faculty.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern approaches to the treatment of oral mucous diseases.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy". Medical specialist, specialty "Organization and management of health care".

SYNKO Alyona O. Postgraduate student.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2018).

Postgraduate education: 2018-2020 – internship, The Institute of Postgraduate Education Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2020 entered graduate school, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Publications (number): 1 publication.

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of treatment and prevention of oral mucous diseases.


BORTNIKOVA Olena V. Senior laboratory assistant.

Education: Physics and Mathematics of the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute (1994).

Experience: Since 1998 – senior assistant at Dental Therapy  Department, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Public activity: Manages organizational and methodical office of the department.

BOHZA Natalia E.  Senior laboratory assistant, assistant professor.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2002).

Scientific and practical work interests:  Dual-curing composite materials in modern dentistry.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: First qualification category, specialty "Dental therapy".

DODATKO Artem O.   Senior laboratory assistant, assistant professor.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2019).

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of dental caries treatment, aesthetic dentistry.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy".

LYTVYNENKO Anna S.  Senior laboratory assistant, assistant professor.

Education: Bogomolets National Medical University (2008).

Scientific and practical work interests:  Modern methods of treatment of periodontal tissues and dental caries, aesthetic dentistry.

Doctor’s qualification category/specialty: Medical specialist, specialty "Dental therapy".

SLIZKONOS Lyudmila P. Laboratory assistant.

Public activity: Inspector of educational work at the department. User (operator) in The Only State Electronic Database of Education.