Student Testimonials

"The thing that I love most about LTA is our awesome teachers and our amazing principal." 

The thing that I love most about LTA is our awesome teachers and our amazing principal. They try their best to make this an awesome learning environment and it's also, really great how you can learn from home. We don't have to leave our house, we just get to talk to our friends and everything. When they teach you, you are in your house sitting on your couch, or sitting in your room, or from another very comfortable environment. 

"I also like how teachers are always there to help, my parents are more involved in my learning, and if I'm finished in class early, I can get up and stretch or go outside." 

The reason that I like online school is that I don't have to be close to others, and I can work at my own speed. I also like how the teachers are always there to help, my parents are more involved in my learning, and if I'm finished a class early, I can get up and stretch or go outside. When I am outside, I can play and learn for PE class, and the teachers are great. That's why I like online learning so much. 

"I like LTA because I can make new friends online that I wouldn't see in person because they live far away." 

I like LTA because I can make new friends online that I wouldn't see in person because they live far away. I also like that we have more free time when our work is done with online school. The last thing I like about LTA is that our parents can help us with their work if we are struggling. And that's what I like about LTA. 

"I can use the same tools that I used at an in-person school." 

I like LTA because I can do my work in my house, the teachers are really nice, and I can use the same tools I used at an in-person school. I like that I can have breaks in my own house and talk to my family during breaks. It's nice that I can be with my family.