Parent Testimonials

"If I had to rate our virtual learning experience, the administration & staff, and the overall delivery on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a solid 11!" 

The Learning Together Anywhere (LTA) Program & School has been an excellent alternative to a traditional brick & mortar school for our family during the pandemic, and it continues to be a great option as we (hopefully) move past COVID-19. The main benefit of the LTA program for our family was the opportunity for us, as parents, to see firsthand how our son learned best and how we could support him in his learning for success. As a result, our son received the best report cards he's ever received and was able to learn responsibility and gain independence through the flexibility the program offers. If I had to rate our virtual learning experience, the administration & staff, and the overall delivery on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a solid 11! 

"It offers a unique delivery of high-quality education that meets and exceeds Alberta curriculum standards. It has the flexibility and adaptability of a homeschooling setting, making it a truly unique school." 

The LTA school has been a gift to our family in so many ways! It offers a unique delivery of high-quality education that meets and exceeds Alberta curriculum standards. It has the flexibility and adaptability of a homeschooling setting, making it a truly unique school. The staff is amazing!!! I can’t say enough about the fun, kind and safe and loving environment they create for the students. It truly is student-centred.

LTA took did what was necessary due to the pandemic of 2020 and made it a successful and unique way for students to obtain their education. Once the Alberta COVID restrictions were lifted, the integration of class meet-ups and field trips was an incredible aspect of this school. The meet-ups move from location to location, so all students have events in their area. It gives the kids and teachers a chance to meet up, interact and have fun together!

Our son, unfortunately, had a rough start to his education. An unfortunate event in preschool led to trauma when he entered a typical school setting. So when LTA was created, it was an answered prayer for our family! School for him became something he fell in love with! He is now excited for each day! Not only did he excel, but he also thrived!! Due to the nature of the school, his work was able to modify to fit him perfectly. Challenging him further ahead in areas that he excelled in and more focus is offered in areas he needed more practice at. This cannot be provided in such a complex nature in a typical school setting. Just the pure numbers and logistics don’t make it possible. But thankfully, at LTA, it has been possible, and for that, I am so grateful.

In our experience, and from what I see, LTA takes inclusion to a whole other level. It allows and provides a platform for children who would easily be lost in the typical classroom setting and gives them the ability to contribute and belong in all classroom activities and discussions. Moreover, participation for the students is done in a meaningful, thoughtful and purposeful way.

The ability to be involved in your child’s educational journey is lovely. You are aware of areas of strengths and challenges with each assignment. You can apply strategies yourself or request techniques from the teacher, so your child is successful and does not fall behind.

If you have ever considered an alternative to traditional school or homeschooling, this is the perfect hybrid—no pressure to meet the curriculum for parents. Kind loving staff to teach the students, and a wonderful group of kids to belong to. It meets and exceeds anything I could have dreamt of for our son!!

Mr. Isert and his staff are such kind, caring and loving people. They are genuinely dedicated to providing the best for their students. I am excited to see what this wonderful school evolves into as the possibilities, given its uniqueness, are endless! LTA is proof that amazing things can happen when you are willing to step outside the box!

"She enjoys the class and looks forward to school without anxiety or panic." 

I am very pleased with how this year turned out for my daughter in the LTA. The staff is great. She enjoys the class and looks forward to school without anxiety or panic. As a parent is so nice not to worry so much. I am happy that we have this opportunity.