Heritage Fair


Each year our grade eight classes participate in the Historica Fairs Program. Students must produce a project related to some aspect of Newfoundland and Labrador history. This can be a project related to their family history, to their community, or to some other area of Newfoundland and Labrador. The project represents a significant portion of the grade for social studies.

Social studies teachers introduce the project to the students in the fall. Then students discuss the project with their parents and decide on a topic. After the students have decided on a topic they begin their research in the library with their teacher who helps them locate relevant information and guides the students through the research process. The students then write a summary of their research. When the students have completed their reseach the teachers help the students turn their research into a presentation. The students must prepare a project that stands on a table with a backboard and artifacts. Presentation grades are based on the creativity and visual appeal of the backboard as well as the student's knowledge of their topic.

The students present their project to their class and the teacher selects three projects to represent the class in the school fair. A panel of teachers judge the projects selected for the school fair and the top three projects move on to the Avalon Regional Fair which occurs in the spring. Regional winners last year in addition to their backboards had all or a combination of the following:

- Period costumes

- Artifacts

- Models

- Multimedia presentations (video/audio)

In the past many students have chosen topics with a family connection as this enabled them to access family members for information, artifacts, and costumes. We hope that this project will be a rewarding experience for everyone involved and we look forward to another successful fair this year. You will find many helpful resources below. Feel free to contact your child's social studies teacher if you should have any questions or concerns.

Good Luck!
