What is a Maker Faire?

What is a Maker Faire?

A Maker Faire is a gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, scientists, authors, artists. All of these “makers” will display their creations on the Maker Faire Website to show what they have made and to share what they have learned.  Think Science Fair concept on a more extreme scale where almost anything goes!

Maker Faire features innovation and experimentation across the spectrum of science, engineering, art and craft.  Large scale Maker Faires are held annually around the world.  Check out Makerfaire.com for information. 

Why are we doing this?

We want to showcase how creative, innovative and uniquely intelligent our students are.  This venue gives everyone an opportunity to design and build something that interests them.  There are many curricular tie-ins along with personal and social growth but in a nutshell we want to share how amazing ALL of our students are. 

Who can participate?

NLESD students grades K-9. Students may choose to enter an individual project, or collaborate with a group. Students may complete their Maker Faire projects at home, or at school. Teachers may wish to include the Maker Faire in their regular cross curricular instruction.