Juniper Ridge Intermediate

'Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it - Together'

Summer Break

Our school is currently closed for summer break. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! We are looking forward to an amazing 2024-25 school year!

French Summer Suggestions

Click Here for some summer French suggestions from our French Department! Lets work together maintain our French skills over the summer break! (This is also available under the 'Memos' tab at the top of this page.)

Sept 2024 Time Change

Please Click Here for an important memo regarding start and end times effective September 2024.


If you would like to help JRI out with raising some funds for activities and items in our school, please think about us when you are dropping off your recycling at local recycling depots. If you are dropping off 10 bags, consider donating ONE of them to our school. You only need to put in our school account number (437-3021) to get a sticker for your bag. Every bit helps! 

Thank you so much in advance!!

Click Here for Daily Announcements

Click Here for Athletic Updates

Click Here for our Spring Newsletter

Select tabs at the top page for more info!

Your child not attending school today? Please e-mail us at and we will ensure their attendance is updated!

2024-25 After School Program

Important Dates

Sep 4 School Opens for Students

Past Dates 2023-24:

Sep 6 School Opens for Students

Sep 22 Grade 6 Vaccinations

Sep 28 Curriculum Night (7-8pm)

Oct 2 Truth & Reconciliation Holiday

Oct 9 Thanksgiving Holiday
Oct 19 Jamarama! PJ Day for the Janeway
Oct 20 School Picture Day (All Grades)

Oct 23 PL Day - School Closed

Oct 25 JH Halloween Dance

Oct 24 Lincoln Walsh Memorial Jersey Day

Oct 28 DARE Growlers Fundraiser
Nov 5 School Clothing Store Closes Tonight!

Nov 9 Remembrance Day Ceremonies

Nov 10 PL Day - School Closed

Nov 13 Remembrance Day Holiday

Nov 24 School Picture Retake Day

Nov 28 Term 1 Reports Distributed

Nov 30 Term 1 Parent/Teacher Meetings

Dec 13 Grade 6 Christmas Concert

Dec 20 - Last Day before Christmas Break

                        - School Breakfast

Jan 2 School Reopens after Christmas

Feb 8 PL Day - School Closed

Feb 23 PL Day - School Closed

Mar 11 JH Drama Club attending

                        'Narnia' Performance

Mar 12 - Term 2 Reports Distributed
                        - OPTIS Opens at 9am

                        - Elem Skating Forms Due

Mar 14 - Term 2 Parent/Teacher Meetings

- OPTIS Closes at 10am

                        - School Dismisses at 11:45am
Mar 18-22 Winter Carnival Week!

Mar 28 Last Day before Easter Break

Apr 8 School Reopens after Easter

Apr 15 PL Day (School Closed)

Apr 19 JH Health & Wellness Day

May 17 PL Day (School Closed)

May 20 Victoria Day Holiday (School Closed)

May 29 Grade 5 Spring Musical (1:15&7pm)

Jun 4 Band Concert (10:45am)

Jun 5 Grade 5 Sports Day

Jun 6 - Grade 6 Sports Day

Jun 11 - JH Year End Dance

Jun 7 PL Day (School Closed)

Jun 10 6B/6E Geo Centre Field Trip

Jun 11 - Grade 6 D.A.R.E Graduation

Jun 11 - 6C/6F Geo Centre Field Trip

Jun 13 - JH Fun Day

Jun 11 - Elem Year End Dance

Jun 11 - 6C/6F Geo Centre

Jun 19 Grade 8 School Leaving Ceremony

Jun 20 Last Day of School for Students

Jun 21 Administration Day

Past Announcements (2023-24)

JH Athletic Banquet
Our 2nd Annual Athletics Banquet is taking place on Monday, June 17th. Click Here for more information. (This can also be found under the 'Memos' tab at the top of our school webpage.)

Year End Memo

Please Click Here for our Year End Memo. This has been e-mailed to all parents/guardians and is available under the 'Memos' tab on the top of this page.

Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser
Please Click Here for a memo regarding our Spring Walk-a-Thon! Paper copies of the memo and sponsor sheet have also been distributed to students. Thank you for your ongoing support!

NL Health Memo
Please Click Here for a memo from NL Health Services that is being distributed on May 17th, 2024. This has also been distributed to our school community via e-mail, and is available under the 'Memos' tab on the top of this page.

PL Day
Please note that school will be closed on Friday, June 7th, for the final PL Day of the year.

Baseball Program

Please Click Here for information about, and to register for our Spring Baseball Program!

Sept 2024 Time Change

Please Click Here for an important memo regarding start and end times effective September 2024.

Updated School Food Guidelines
Click Here to access the most current School Food Guidelines.Spring Musical Tickets

Additional tickets for our Grade 5 Spring Musical are now available for purchase in Rycor. These are available on a first come-first served basis. Tickets will be available for purchase until 3pm, Tuesday, May 28th. Please feel free to call the school if you require assistance with your Rycor account.


Please be advised that Friday, May 17th will be a Teacher PL Day. School will be closed on this day. The final PL Day for the current school year will be June 7th.

Water Boil Order
Please be advised that the Town of Torbay has issued a water boil order, and as a result drinking water is not available at our school. NLSchools is providing temporary water coolers and everyone is invited to bring a filled water bottle from home. Thank you for your understanding.

JH Wellness & Exploration Day
Click Here for a memo regarding the JH Health and Wellness day scheduled for April 19th. Click Here for session information. This information can also be found under the 'Memos' Tab.


Please be advised that Monday, April 15th will be a Teacher PL Day. School will be closed on this day.

French Newsletter

Click Here for our new French Newsletter! (Also available under the 'Newsletters' tab at the top of this page.)

Easter Break

School will be closed from Friday, March 29th until Monday, April 8th. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter Break!

SGD Surveys

The provincial government has launched the annual school development surveys of students, parents/guardians, and staff at all schools in our province. The data from these surveys will be used by our school to create our school development plan.  Please complete the family survey by Friday, March 15th, 2024 so we have representation from all of our families. Click Here to access the survey.

Junior High Wellness & Exploration Day
Click Here for information regarding facilitators for our upcoming Junior High Health and Wellness Day. This information is also available under the 'Memos' tab at the top of this page.

Epilepsy Awareness Day

Everyone is invited to wear purple to school on Tuesday, March 26th as we recognize Epilepsy Awareness Day!

Phone Issues

Please be advised that our phones are currently not working at our school. To reach the us, please send a message to our school email, as we are monitoring incoming messages. We appreciate your patience as we work to have this issue resolved.

Winter Carnival 2024
Our Annual Winter Carnival is taking place the week of March A reminder that school is dismissing at 11:45am today, Thursday, March 18th-22nd! Check out our schedule below! Consent forms for offsite activities (skating / bowling / ski trip to White Hills in Clarenville) can be found under the 'Memos' tab at the top of this page.

Our Winter Carnival 2024 - 'JRI is Winter-ful!' buttons are now available! The cost is $1 and each button has a unique number for random prize draws! Get your button today! Congratulations to Emily Hornell for winning or button design contest!

Grade 8 Ski Trip Update
We were informed by White Hills Ski Resort that their chair lift is not operational and will not be repaired by Friday. As a result the Grade 8 Ski Trip scheduled for this Friday is cancelled. Students who were scheduled to go on this trip have the option to participate in the bowling activity instead, which is also scheduled for Friday. If your student would like to take part in bowling please have them bring along their permission slip tomorrow and submit it to Ms. Mouland in Room 212. Click Here for the bowling consent form. Please do not send any money as those who go bowling will have the cost deducted from the refund for their ski trip; those who do not go bowling will receive a full refund.

Early Dismissal & OPTIS
- A reminder that school is dismissing at 11:45am today, Thursday, March 14th to accommodate Parent/Teacher Meetings.

- The OPTIS system for scheduling Parent/Teacher meetings is now closed. If you would like to schedule a meeting with your child's teacher, please e-mail them directly. Faculty e-mail addresses are available under the 'About' tab at the top of this page.

Term 2 Reports

Please note that Term 2 Student Reports were released today, Tuesday, March 12th. Elementary students were provided with printed copies, and Junior High grades are available in PowerSchool.

Elementary Skating Sessions

Grades 5 & 6 students will have the opportunity to participate in a skating activity at Jack Byrne Arena as part of this year's Winter Carnival. Click Here for the consent form and more information.

Drama Club Field Trip

Our Junior High Drama Club will be attending a performance of 'Narnia' at Holy Heart of Mary on March 11th. Click Here for more information/consent form. 

OPTIS is Now Open

OPTIS is currently open for parents/guardians to schedule Parent/Teacher Meetings. OPTIS will close at 10am, Thursday, March 13th. The link to the OPTIS system can be found at the bottom of this page, and the OPTIS memo can be found by clicking the'Memos' tab at the top of this page.

School Closed (March 8th)

Please be advised that school will be closed on Friday, March 8th due to weather. All school events, including sporting events, are also cancelled.

School Events Cancelled (March 8th-10th)

Please be advised that school events, including sporting events, are cancelled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday (March 8-10) due to weather, and time required for snow removal at the school.

2024-25 Late French Immersion Registration

Registration for Late French Immersion (LFI) will take place the week of February 12th. This program is open to students who are currently enrolled in Grade 6 and will be starting Grade 7 in September 2024. Virtual information sessions are scheduled for January 30th and February 1st at 7pm. Click Here for more information including the link to the information sessions. 

2024 Canadian Roots Trip

Parents/guardians of current Grade 6 & 7 students are invited to Click Here for information about the 2024 Canadian Roots Trip to Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available for this trip. Anyone who enrols once these seats are filled will be waitlisted. For more information please e-mail Mr. Emberley at

After School Activities Cancelled (Feb 22nd)
Please be advised that due to pending weather, all after school/extra-curricular activities are cancelled today, Thursday, February 22nd. This includes all practices, games, travel, and team events.

PL Days Feb 8th & 23rd

A reminder that school will be closed on Feb 8th and Feb 23rd for Professional Learning Days.

Bus 6 Delayed 30 Minutes (Feb 21st)

Please note that Bus 6 (driver Kelson's bus) is running 30 minutes late this morning, Wednesday, Feb 21st. Students will be picked up at their bus stop approx 30 minutes later than usual.

Bus 8 Delayed 30 Minutes (Feb 19th)

Please note that Bus 8 (driver Alex's bus) left the school today, Monday, Feb 19th at 3:45pm, 30 minutes behind schedule.

School Closed (Feb 15th)

Please note that JRI will be closed for the day today, February 15th, due to weather.

School Closed (Feb 6th)

Please note that school will be closed on Tuesday, Feb 6th due to pending weather.

Early Dismissal: Monday, January 29th

Please note that school will close at 12:05pm today, Monday, January 29th due to pending weather.

Morning Bus #9 Delayed (Jan 10th)

Please note that the school has been advised that Bus #9 (Barb's Bus) is delayed 50 minutes this morning, Wednesday, January 10th. The bus will pick up students at their regular bus stop 50 minutes later than the usual time.

School Closed (Jan 5th)
Please note that due to impending weather, school will be closed all day today, Friday, January 5th. All extracurricular activities, including school sports, are cancelled.

Christmas Break
We will conclude our 12 Days of Christmas Activities with our Annual Christmas Breakfast on Dec 20th! Also, school will dismiss for all students at 1:30pm on Dec 20th and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2nd, on our regular schedule. (This will be Day 5 on our school calendar.) On behalf of everyone at JRI, we wish our school community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! We look forward to working with you in 2024!

School Council Nominations

We are currently seeking nominations for the positions of Parent Representative and Community Representative for our School Council. Nominations will be received until 12noon, Tuesday, December 19th. Click Here for more information.

12 Days of Christmas!

Click Here for our Annual 12 Days of Christmas Celebrations Schedule!

Grade 6 Christmas Concert!

Click Here for information regarding our upcoming Grade 6 Christmas Concert!

Early Dismissal

Please note that JRI will dismiss at 2:05pm taday, Nov 29th, due to pending weather. All after school activities are cancelled for today.

Skate Swap

During the week of Dec 11-15th our school will be attending a skating session at the Jack Byrne Arena. Therefore we will be having a skate swap at the school on Monday Nov 27th 2023. If anyone has an old pair of skates at home that no longer fit, they can bring them along on Friday Nov 24th 2023 and place them on the table outside the gym doors. 

2024 Canadian Roots Trip

Parents/guardians of current Grade 6 students are invited to Click Here for information about the 2024 Canadian Roots Trip to Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available for this trip. Anyone who enrols once these seats are filled will be waitlisted. Those who enrol by the November 15th early booking deadline will receive a $100 early booking price reduction. For more information please e-mail

Bus Delay
Please be advised that Bus 9 is running 25 minutes late this morning, Thursday, November 23rd.


School is closed on Nov 10 for Teacher PL, and on Nov 13 in observance of Remembrance Day.

Remembrance Day Ceremonies

This year we will hold two Remembrance Day Ceremonies on Thursday, November 9th as follows:
- 9:20am - Grades 5 & 7
- 11:00am - Grades 6 & 8
Members of our school community are invited to attend both Ceremonies. Please enter the school via the main entrance at the front of our building. If you or a member of your party require assistance, please call the school in advance so we can accommodate you. We are inviting visitors, students and faculty/staff in uniformed organizations to wear their uniforms to the Ceremony.  Such uniforms include, but are not limited to, Military, Cadets, Guides, Cubs/Beavers, Junior Rangers, etc. 

School Clothing!

Our School Clothing Store is now open! Click Here to check out our selection of 'Jag Swag'! The store will be open until Sunday, November 5th.

2024 Canadian Roots Trip Meeting

Parents/guardians of current Grade 6 students are invited to a meeting on Wednesday, November 1st at 7pm in our school library to discuss details on the 2024 Canadian Roots Trip to Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City.

Remembrance Day 'Wall of Heroes'

In preparation for the upcoming Remembrance Day Ceremonies, we are seeking students who have family members who have served in the Armed Forces to submit their information to be added to this year's Wall of Heroes.  If you would like to have your family member featured on our Wall of Heroes this year, please complete this form and submit it before November 1st.

DARE Growlers Tickets!

Please join us in supporting the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program! D.A.R.E Night at the Growlers is scheduled for Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. The special $20 ticket price will see $5 of each ticket sold donated to the D.A.R.E program. Additionally, 100% of proceeds from the ‘Chuck-a-Puck’ in-game promotion will support D.A.R.E. Show your school spirit by wearing your school colours as schools will be seated together to cheer on the Growlers! All D.A.R.E. graduates are invited to wear their D.A.R.E. t-shirts as ambassadors of the program. Tickets can be purchased here: As you purchase tickets, be sure to select your school as the school that sells the most tickets will win a prize ball hockey game against a team comprised of NL Growlers players and D.A.R.E. committee members! Please share the link with family and friends and let’s fill the stands to support the Growlers and the D.A.R.E Program!

Junior High Halloween Dance

Our Annual Junior High Halloween Dance will take place on Wednesday, October 25th from 7-9pm in our school gymnasium. Tickets cost $5 and will be on sale in the Main Lobby during JH lunch by members of our Student Leadership Team. All proceeds will fund Student Leadership initiatives at our school. 

Jersey Day in Memory of Lincoln Walsh

Holy Cross Elementary is inviting all schools to wear a jersey to school on Monday in memory of Lincoln Walsh, one of their students who recently tragically passed away. Given that JRI is closed on Monday for Teacher PL, we are designating Tuesday (Oct 24) as Jersey Day in Memory of Lincoln, and everyone is invited to wear a jersey to school on this day. Lincoln was an active athlete who loved team sports. JRI is honoured to support this initiative and we look forward to seeing many jerseys at school on Tuesday.  

Jamarama Day!

Thursday, October 19th, will be Jamarama Day for the Janeway! Everyone is invited to wear their PJ’s to school and to bring a donation for the Janeway Children’s Hospital.

Student Supply Lists

Please click below for our 2023-24 Supply Lists. 

Elementary (Grades 5&6)

Junior High (Grades 7&8)

Updated Cell Phone and Electronics Policy

Click Here to access our updated Cel Phone and Electronics Policy, effective September 6th, 2023.

Welcome and Welcome Back!

We are excited to be starting a new school year at JRI! Click Here for our Back to School Memo!

To inform us that your child will be absent from school, please e-mail our general school e-mail address,, and we will update their attendance accordingly.