Fire Wolf Athletics for 2024 - 25 Seasons

Hello Fire Wolves,

The Athletic programs offered through SAEL / Ghidotti per season:

Fall: Cross Country, Boys Soccer, and Girls Volleyball JV and Varsity

Winter: Boys/Girls Basketball, Ski and Snowboad Team

Spring: Girls Soccer, Boys Volleyball, and Track and Field

Coaches Email Contact per sport:

Boys Basketball- Coach Tyler Smith

Boys/Girls Volleyball- Coach Jim Frank, Coach Gary Frankel

Girls Basketball- Coach Mackenzie Smith:

Girls/Boys Soccer- Coach Dan Foss-

Ski and Snowboard Team- Coach Reba Donnelly 

Track and Field- Katie Court- 

Cross Country- Mark Heine- 

There a several forms that must be completed in order to participate. You can find the digital copies below. The forms are:

Each form must be completed each year (physicals must be dated within one calendar year of the time the athlete is participating). 

Here's a quick overview of next steps (details for each step are further down on this page):

1. Read an Overview of Planned Activities

Fall Season: Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, and Boys / Girls Cross Country

Practice / Tryouts start on August 5th

Winter Season: Boys and Girls Basketball 

Ski and Snowboard Team

Practice / Tryouts start on November 4th

Spring Season: Girls Soccer, Boys Volleyball, and Boys / Girls Track n Field

Practice / Tryouts start on February 10th

Link to Game Schedules for all sports: See the tabs at bottom of page for different sports: 


2. Fill out the Paperwork

Before practicing, you must complete these forms. You can turn them into the Ghidotti office when you get your first COVID test (see step 4 below). You can also turn them at your first practice.

3. Call for Parent Drivers ( during the season). 

We hope to play against other teams and that requires travel, so we'll need parent drivers. If interested, please fill out the parent driver form below and turn in at practice: 

SAEL Parent Driver Application 

Need help?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Athletic Director Tyler Smith (

Make a donation to the program

We ask that every student-athlete make a $150 donation per season to the Athletics Department. Donations can be made via checks payable to Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning or via SAEL’s secure Paypal account: SAEL Paypal - make a note in the comment section indicating that the donation is for.