Young Investigators Meet on Quantum Condensed Matter Theory-2022

29 October-1st November 2022

National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar

(In-person Mode)

Aim: Theoretical quantum condensed matter physics is a broad and active field of research. Given the diverse nature of the field, rapid developments, and the regular influx of new faculty members in the country, the meeting aims to provide a platform for young members of the community to present their work and exchange ideas. Apart from invited participants, the meeting also gives an opportunity to postdoctoral fellows and senior Ph.D. students working on the quantum condensed matter theory, to present their work.

History: Initially started in 2017 and organized jointly by SINP, IOP, and SNBCBS, it has been held annually and has been a great forum for brainstorming, fostering collaborations, and building a network for quantum condensed matter theory in India. Last two years it was organized by NISER.