Tuesday NEwsday at

Lizzie Curtis

This Month at Lizzie Curtis - November

November 8th - 12th

  • November 11th Veteran's Day Celebration

  • PTA Penny Wars Fundraiser all week

November 15th - 19th

  • November 20th NISD Mobile Food Bank at he NISD Administration Building

  • Generation Texas Week

    • Monday - Elementary Pride! Students wear a Curtis shirt or our school colors (navy/gray) to support our school.

    • Tuesday - Middle School Pride! Wear an Adams Middle School shirt or colors (navy/silver) to support our feeder pattern.

    • Wednesday - Show your Eaton pride! Wear an Eaton shirt or colors (navy/lime green/white) to support our feeder pattern.

    • Thursday - Show your college pride! Wear your favorite college shirt or colors.

    • Friday - Your Future is Bright! Wear bright colors and share your goals for the future!

November 22nd-26th


Coming Soon!!!

  • December 17th Early Release (11:40)

  • Winter Break December 20-January 4

What's New

Welcome Visitors!

We have been SO EXCITED to welcome visitors back into the building. We are still following many safety protocols due to Covid, which means we need to limit the number of lunch visitors we can have with each grade level. If you would like to come have lunch with your child(ren) there is a Sign-Up Genius. Please click here to sign up for a date and time. We try to schedule out at least 2 full weeks, so as one week ends, we add some additional dates.

Please remember that all visitors need to check into the front office and get a visitor badge. Visitors will also sit at the designated tables (that have red VISITOR letters on them). If you have not previously signed in, you will need to bring your driver's license so that it can be scanned into our Raptor system.

Attendance Matters: Stay on Academic Pace

We’re continuing to see significant progress in the decrease of COVID cases in Northwest ISD and our campus! In light of this positive news, we’d like to remind you of the importance of regular attendance as we experience a more normal school year.

Being at school is the best environment for a child to keep pace with the academic schedule and ensure learning takes place. All students should achieve academic standards at or above the current grade level by the end of the school year, and regular attendance is the best way to accomplish that goal.

This includes coming to school on time and staying until the end of the day. Learning begins promptly and teachers at Curtis teach bell to bell. If students are regularly coming in later or leaving early, they could be missing valuable instruction time in a specific content area.

If your child is sick, please keep him or her at home! But healthy students should be at school. If your child has COVID, please be aware a doctor’s note is needed for any absences beyond 10 calendar days. For any students in this category, please keep our school updated so we can provide your child with appropriate academic materials in their absence.

Reindeer Romp is Coming!!!

Registration is now open for Northwest ISD’s annual Reindeer Romp! The event consists of a 1-mile fun run and 5K run, with all proceeds benefiting school P.E. departments.

The event begins with the 1-mile run at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, December 11, followed 30 minutes later by the 5K race. Both races take place at Alliance Airport. Register now and
select our school to help our P.E. program! Information and registration is available at www.nisdreindeerromp.com.

Student Safety

Last month we put in some tips for Walk Safe, Bike Safe that were shared by the Department of Transportation. As you have probably noticed, it has been increasingly darker in the mornings coming to school, which means our walkers and bikers are hard to see. Please talk with your child about waiting at the cross walks for the crossing guards to stop traffic. While most of our parents are aware of the walkers and bikers, there are many neighborhood drivers exiting to the highway that don't think about all of the children on their way to school. According to the crossing guard, there have been a couple of close calls with cars that did not stop and children that did not wait for the crossing guard to help them across the street. We are talking to students about safety at school as well, so when they hear a common message at home, they are more likely to learn how to be safe at school.

Counselor Corner

SEL Focus: My Path

SEL Learning Targets

In November we will be talking about the virtue of:

SEL Focus: My Path


This month we’re talking about Gratitude! The dictionary defines it as: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” The definition we are using in class is:

Gratitude: choosing to notice and appreciate things in our life, things in others, and things in the world.

We want to make sure we share with students that Gratitude is 1) a choice that we get to make over and over again on where we put our focus and 2) doesn’t always have to be about something positive. We can feel grateful even for tough or challenging things in our life! There is plenty of research that shows a strong connection between Gratitude and reduced anxiety, increased happiness, and better relationships. Over the course of the month, we will talk about amazing people who demonstrate Gratitude in various ways. We will talk about what we are grateful for in ourselves and in others. And we will even find Gratitude in some things we wouldn’t expect to be thankful for!

  • I will be able to accomplish a goal I set for myself.

  • I will understand the difference in a growth and fixed mindset.

  • I will be able to stay organized at home and at school.

Home Connection

Home Conversation Starters

  • Talk about why you were grateful for the teachers and mentors in your life then ask your children why they are grateful for theirs. Have they had a favorite teacher? If so, who? What makes that teacher a favorite? If they haven’t had a favorite yet, find out what makes a great teacher in their eyes.

  • Gratitude takes practice! What can we do as a family to work on expressing Gratitude more regularly to each other and those around us?

  • Discuss why you are grateful for your child. Be specific: who are they? How do they make you feel? Ask them what they are grateful for about your family, your home, your neighborhood, etc..

Home Questions You Could Ask

  • Has anyone ever said, “What do you say?” when they want to remind you to express Gratitude? Why do you think that saying “thank you” is so important? Why do you think we refer to it as one of our “magic words” when we’re trying to teach you to say it?

  • What if you woke up tomorrow and only had the things you expressed Gratitude for today? What would you still have? What would disappear? How can you express Gratitude daily?

  • How do you know someone is grateful for you? What do they do? How does it feel to receive Gratitude? How does it feel to give Gratitude?

For Your Reading

Raising Grateful Kids by Homa Tavangar

Teaching Children To Be Grateful by Charlotte Latvala

PTA Information and Watch D.O.G.S.

Penny Wars


We love having our Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) on campus. If you would like more information, or would like to join us at Curtis and serve as one of our Watch D.O.G.S., you will need to complete the district background check and sign up for a date. Click here for more information and the links to sign up.


It's not to late to join!

Please join today at https://www.joinpta.org and be sure to include your students' first names and teacher names on the "Membership Reference" field on the registration screen!

You can join PTA by clicking here.

Campus Information

District Resources

Important Information