Comic Book

By <Vathana Chhay>

'Books are a uniquely portable magic.''

Hi, thanks for checking out my page.

My personal project is basically just a comic book or something kind of like a manga. It is a fiction book based on the type of anime that I like. I hope this book will interest you too.

This project was meant to show that comic books can also be fun to read aside from using devices 24/7. It also shows my art style improving bit by bit over time. I hope that this book will give you at least a bit of entertainment.

Video introduction of my project

This is the image carousel containing all of the pages in order since it is an online book:


Personal Project Report - PDF

Vathana Chhay - Personal Project Report

Also here is my personal project report pdf containing all of the information of my project and also shows the process of how it was made