
By: Telin Hsieh

"Don't let your struggle become your identity"

Greetings Parents, Teachers, and Students,

First and foremost, thank you for visiting my page. My personal project revolves around the idea of mental health and spreading awareness. Mental health is an alienated topic with our family, especially in Asian culture. Additionally, it is often regarded as a negative aspect of our lives. Over the years, witnessing the struggles of others has led to a realization within me to explore the topic. As part of a fortunate group of students, I decided to utilize my knowledge and resource to make a contribution.

Through this project, I hope to raise awareness about mental health, assisting people in understanding the significance and relevancy. Additionally, the theme of relatability should allow the audience to feel empathized with, encouraging them to open up and battle the issues together. The website should address these issues while providing advice to help guide people, allowing the audience to reflect among themselves and surroundings.

Keep in mind that you are not alone!

Best Regards, Telin

IMG_5474 (1).mov


Telin Hsieh - Personal Project Final Report.pdf


Here are some photos I took around school to be used as representations in my products