By: Ing Soksan

" To understand the culture, study the dance. To understand the dance, study the people." -Charles Davis

Greeting teachers, parents, and students,

Welcome to the world of Cambodian classical dance also known as Robam Kbach Boran. Where you get to watch a stage performance of the blessing dance and read a descriptive book filled with information on the history of classical dance and Apsara dance through a slide pdf.

You may ask, Why am I doing about Cambodian classical dance?

I just love dancing in general, and this project opens up an opportunity for me to explore a new genre and get to know more about my own culture. I realize that as the modern dance industry expands and popularizes, we tend to forget about the dance of our traditional cultural heritage. That is why I am here to remind everyone about the gem of our country.

Scroll down for more!

I hope you enjoy this topic as much as I did.

Soksan's Personal Project Report- Final (2).pdf
IMG_9721 2.MOV

Introduction to my Personal Project

Watch this video to get you started on what my Personal Project is about!

Soksan-PP Dance.mp4

Video of my dance performance

Don't miss out on a great performance waiting for you to watch!

Sok pp book.pdf

Presentation of my book

Get a quick access to information on Cambodian classical dance just by clicking on the pdf slide above.

Process journal video and some close up shots

PP-Journal Evidence .mp4